

compulsory, multiple


id=unique identifier of this dive


By means of <dive> data concerning a dive profile are given inside a <repetitiongroup> section. Each dive profile is encapsulated with an own <dive> section; several <dive> elements are given one after the other in this case.

Parent Elements


Child Elements

<airtemperature>, <alcoholbeforedive>, <altitude>, <anysymptoms>, <apparatus>, <applicationdata>, <current>, <datetime>, <diveduration>, <divenumber>, <diveplan>, <divetable>, <equipmentmalfunction>, <equipmentused>, <globalalarmsgiven>, <greatestdepth>, <highestpo2>, <link/> (for <buddy> <site>, and <table> data to be cross-referenced), <lowesttemperature>, <medicationbeforedive>, <nosuit/>, <notes>, <observations>, <platform>, <pressuredrop>, <problems>, <program>, <purpose>, <samples>, <stateofrestbeforedive>, <surfaceintervalbeforedive>, <tankdata>, <thermalcomfort>, <visibility> <workload>

See Also



(see also <repetitiongroup>)

<repetitiongroup id="rg_12">
    <dive id="dive_123_19990406">
        <link ref="site_IllesMedes_coast_archway">
            <!-- here quantitative data about breathing gas used (tank, -->
            <!-- pressure, gas, breathing gas consumption volume, etc.) -->
        <!-- here references to breathing gases used -->
            <!-- here time/depth data of the profile -->
                <!-- here text written into the logbook -->
            <link ref="img_from_dive123"/>
            <!-- here any number of images, audio, and video files can be inserted via <link ref="..."/>  -->
    <dive id="dive 124_19990407">
        <!-- description of next dive -->
    <!-- here more dive profiles can be given -->

Following you can open an additional example file with three dives recorded by a Sensus. The data were read using the Kenozooid program (to be published). The downloaded data are used to generate UDDF data, which were used to create plots presented below.

Three dives processed to UDDF data and plots