

compulsory, multiple


id=unique identifier of this dive spot


Inside <site> a dive spot is described.

If <divesite> is given, at least one <site> section must be given, too.

Parent Elements


Child Elements

<ecology>, <geography>, <name>, <notes>, <sitedata>

See Also



(see also <divesite>)

    <!-- descriptions of all dive spots -->
    <site id="site_Scapa_Brummer">
        <!-- description of the first registered dive spot -->
            <location>Scapa Flow</location>
            <province>Orkney Islands</province>
            <!-- degree of latitude: North > 0 / South < 0 -->
            <!-- degree of longitude: East > 0 / West < 0 -->
            <density>1030.0</density>   <!-- salt water -->
            <bottom>sandy ground</bottom>
            <wreck id="wreck_Brummer">
                <name>SMS Brummer</name>
                <shiptype>light cruiser</shiptype>
                    <shipyard>Vulcan, Stettin</shipyard>
                        <dayofweek>6</dayofweek> <!-- Saturday -->
                    <text>German high sea fleet</text>
            <text>Really nice wreck dive!</text>
    <!-- more dive spots -->
    <!-- description of all dive spots -->
    <site id="site_Shallow_south_of_Gabiniere">
        <name>Shallow to the south of Ilot de la Gabiniere</name>
            <location>Ilot de la Gabiniere</location>
            <province>Cote d'Azur</province>
            <!-- degree of latitude, and longitude, unknown -->
            <!-- listing of typically seen plants, and animals respectively -->
                <invertebrata>            <!-- invertebrates -->
                    <porifera>                <!-- sponges -->
                            <trivialname>Kidney sponge</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Chondrosia reniformis</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Orange-red encrusting sponge</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Crambe crambe</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Bluish encrusting sponge</trivialname>
                    <cnidaria>                <!-- cnidarians -->
                            <trivialname>Purple gorgonian</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Paramuricea clavata (chamaeleon)</scientificname>
                    <ascidiacea>              <!-- seasquirts -->
                            <trivialname>Red seasquirt</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Halocynthia papillosa</scientificname>
                    <echinodermata>           <!-- echinoderms -->
                            <trivialname>Purple Starfish</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Echinaster sepositus</scientificname>
                <vertebrata>              <!-- vertebrates -->
                    <osteichthyes>        <!-- bony fishes -->
                            <scientificname>Muraena helena</scientificname>
                            <scientificname>Epinephelus guaza</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Striped grouper</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Epinephelus alexandrinus</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Red damselfish</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Anthias anthias</scientificname>
                            <scientificname>Chromis chromis</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Rainbow wrasse</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Coris julis</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Two-banded bream</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Diplodus vulgaris</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Toothed sparus</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Oblada melanura</scientificname>
                            <trivialname>Peacock wrasse</trivialname>
                            <scientificname>Symphodus tinca</scientificname>
                <rhodophyceae>      <!-- red algae -->
                        <scientificname>Peyssonnelia squamaria</scientificname>
                <chlorophyceae>     <!-- green algae -->
                        <trivialname>Sea lettuce</trivialname>
                        <scientificname>Ulva rigida</scientificname>
                        <trivialname>Ball alga</trivialname>
                        <scientificname>Codium bursa</scientificname>
            <arealength>20.0</arealength>         <!-- length of examined rock -->
            <areawidth>8.0</areawidth>            <!-- width of rock -->
            <!-- (from the above given four values a volume can be calculated, if necessary) -->
            <density>1030.0</density>             <!-- salt water -->
                First class dive spot! Due to currents often difficult to dive. Access either via
                blue water descent from boat, or - with excellent knowledge of the topography! -
                diving from the southern tip of Ilot de la Gabiniere in southwest direction.
                Narrow, long ridge, both sides like steep walls. Dense growing of algae, sponges,
                and gorgonians. Many fishes, first of all many groupers.
                <!-- Additionally, information about specific image data can be given -->
                <!-- here inside <imagedata> (for example aperture, shutter speed, exposure -->
                <!-- compensation, focal length of lens, date and time). -->
                <!-- (of course, this is possible for all below listed images) -->