Breathing gases used

<uddf version="3.1.0">
    <!-- the <generator> section has to appear in every UDDF file -->
        <!-- description of the program generating the UDDF file -->
        <name>DSL - Diver's Super Logbook</name>
            <name>Dive Heroes Company</name>
                <!-- address data of manufacturer -->
                <!-- contact data of manufacturer -->
        <image id="img_steeltank_new">
            <title>my new steel tank</title>
                <!-- date when photo was taken -->
        <image id="img_steeltank_2_years_later">
            <title>my 2 years old steel tank</title>
                <!-- date when photo was taken -->
            <!-- description of the owner of the UDDF file -->
                <!-- personal data (name etc.) -->
                <!-- address data ... -->
            <!-- here more data of the owner -->
                <!-- listing of the owner's equipment -->
                <tank id="tank_1">
                    <name>favourite tank</name>
                        <name>Super tank manufacturer</name>
                            <!-- address data of manufacturer -->
                            <!-- contact data of manufacturer -->
                    <model>As hard as steel</model>
                            <!-- date of purchase of tank -->
                        <price currency="DM">250.00</price>
                            <!-- information concerning the shop, where the tank was bought -->
                        <!-- date of next proof by safety standards authority -->
                    <tankmaterial>steel</tankmaterial>    <!-- steel tank -->
                    <tankvolume>0.015</tankvolume>        <!-- 15 litres -->
                        <link ref="img_steeltank_new"/>
                        <link ref="img_steeltank_2_years_later"/>
                <!-- here more tank descriptions can be inserted -->
        <!-- all breathing gases used -->
        <mix id="oxygen_pure">
            <name>pure oxygen</name>
        <mix id="air">
        <mix id="nitrox6040">
            <name>Nitrox60/40</name>  <!-- Nitrox 60 % N2, 40 % O2 -->
        <mix id="trimix">
            <name>Trimix</name>  <!-- Trimix 15 % O2, 40 % N2, 45 % He -->
        <!-- here more <mix> elements can be given -->
        <repetitiongroup id="rg_2010-05">
            <dive id="dive654">
                <tankdata id="air_1">
                    <!-- air filled 15 litre tank, fill pressure at beginning 200 bar, breathing consumption volume 12 litres/min -->
                    <link ref="air"/>
                    <link ref="tank_1"/>
                    <!-- for the tank volume is given in the declaration above, -->
                    <!-- there is no need to set it again here -->
                <tankdata id="air_2">
                    <!-- another tank filled with air... -->
                    <link ref="air"/>
                    <!-- no cross-referencing to a given tank -> for a breathing gas -->
                    <!-- consumption calculation the tank volume must be set here -->
                    <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0003333333333</breathingconsumptionvolume>          <!-- [m^3/s] ^= 20 litres/min -->
                <tankdata id="nitrox_tank">
                    <link ref="nitrox6040"/>
                    <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.00025</breathingconsumptionvolume>                  <!-- [m^3/s] ^= 15 litres/min -->
                <tankdata id="o2_tank">
                    <link ref="oxygen_pure"/>
                    <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0002</breathingconsumptionvolume>                   <!-- [m^3/s] ^= 12 litres/min -->
                <!-- here more <tankdata> elements can be inserted -->
                <!-- here follow the other elements for describing this dive -->