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8. Elements of UDDF (in alphabetical order)

In the following the individual elements of UDDF are listed in alphabetical order. Because work on UDDF is advanced, we decided to start with version number 2.0 in this present-day version. (Versions 1.x are "skipped" because UDDF is a further development of UDCF, which latest version was 1.0.)

The development of UDDF is going on, of course! :-) Therefore your remarks and suggestions are welcome! Only if as many as possible volunteers contribute to UDDF we can claim to develop a universal dive data exchange format which will become established!

8.1 <abundance>

Indicates the abundance of the appearance (number of individuals) of a species seen. Allowed integer values are: 0 - not ascertainable, 1 - single individual, 2 - loser Verband (animals), or group (plants), 3 - swarm (animals), or flächendeckend (plants), 4 - colony. If the number of individuals cannot be ascertained, either <abundance> omitted, or <abundance>0</abundance> is given.

<abundance> stands within < species>.

There are no further elements inside <abundance>.

See also < quantity>, and < species>.

Examples: (see also < species>)

    <!-- abundance couldn't be ascertained -->
    <!-- (in this case the element also can be omitted) -->

    <!-- swarm (animals), or flächendeckender Bewuchs (plants) -->

8.2 <accommodation>

Inside <accommodation> informations concerning quarters are provided.

<accommodation> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

Elements inside <accommodation> are: < name>, < category>, < address>, < contact>, < rating>, and < notes> (in this order),

Example: (see also < divetrip>)

        <name>hotel of the 1000 stars</name>
            <!-- address of hotel/camping ground -->
            <!-- contakt data (email address, homepage etc.) of hotel/camping ground -->
            <text>Nice "home" for this week!</text>
            <image height="1000" width="2000" format="jpg">

8.3 <acknowledge/>

<acknowledge/> is a switch to indicate that an alarm to be given by a dive computer at a specific incident has to be acknowledged by the diver. The alarm signal - set via < alarmtype> - will be repeated until the diver presses a certain button to stop it.

If neither <acknowledge/> nor < period> are given, the dive computer has to create the alarm for a certain time span; then an acknowledgement is not necessary.

<acknowledge/> stands inside < dcalarm>.

There are no further elements inside <acknowledge/>.

Example: see < dcalarm>

8.4 <address>

Inside <address> the own (< owner> element) address data, or of dive buddies (< buddy> element), or of a shop (< shop> element) respectively, are given.

The <address> element stands inside < owner>, < buddy>, and < shop>.

Elements inside <address> are: < street>, < city>, < postcode>, and < country>.

Example: see < owner>, < buddy> und < purchase>

8.5 <age>

Indicates the ascertained age in years (as an integer) of a plant, or animal respectively.

<age> stands within <animal>.

There are no further elements inside <age>.

See also < species>.

Example: (see also < species>)

    <!-- age of three years -->

8.6 <airtemperature>

Indicates the measured air temperature at begin of dive in Kelvin, given as a real number.

<airtemperature> stands inside <dive>.

There are no further elements inside <airtemperature>.

See also < dive>.

Example: (see also < dive>)

    <!-- measured air temperature at begin of dive 23 °C -->

8.7 <alarmtype> ... <alarmtype>

The <alarmtype> element sets the type of alarm for the dive computer to be given at a certain incident. At present this is a simple integer value which is assigned inside the hardware to a certain alarm pattern. If the hardware does not know this type the standard alarm is triggered.

<alarmtype> stands inside < dcalarm>.

There are no further elements inside <alarmtype>.

Example: (see also < dcalarm>)

    <!-- that alarm pattern which is assigned 1 inside the hardware shall be triggered -->

8.8 <altitude>

With <altitude> the height above sea level in metres (given as a real number) is put into brackets. The height can be that of a general described dive spot, then <altitude> stands inside < geography> (< divesite> -> < site> -> < geography>), or that of a certain dive. In this case <altitude> appears inside the < dive> section (< profiledata> -> < repetitiongroup> -> < dive>). Additionally, <altitude> is used to determine the altitude in metres above sea level, for which an ascent table will be generated. In this third case <altitude> stands within < tablescope> (< calculatetable> -> < table> -> < tablescope>). If <altitude> is omitted inside < tablescope> the table is to be calculated for sea level, 0 m.

There are no further elements inside <altitude>.

Example: (see also < geography>, and < tablescope>)

    <!-- height above sealevel 800 m (Walchensee - a lake in the Bavarian Alps) -->

8.9 <amphibia>

Inside <amphibia> all recognized amphibians are listed.

The <amphibia> element stands inside < vertebrata> at fourth (last but one) position after < mammalia> and before < amphibia>.

There are no further elements inside <amphibia>.

Example: see < vertebrata>, and < fauna>

8.10 <aperture>

Within <aperture> the aperture used for a certain photo is put into brackets.

<aperture> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <aperture>.

See also < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focallength>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Examples: (see also < image>)

    <!-- aperture 5.6 -->

    <!-- aperture 9.5 -->

8.11 <applicationdata>

Bracketing of additional, program specific informations which are necessary for the calculation of tissue saturation, or software internal parameters for the graphical representation of data.

An UDDF parser does not evaluate statements between <applicationdata> and </applicationdata>, but sends them directly without any interpretation to the calling program. With it it is made possible that programs can store specific meta informations not known to UDDF. The only convention is that every program has to put its meta information inside <applicationdata> ... </applicationdata> brackets.

Annotation for programmers: Please, document in which form you store your data for tissue saturation or other parameters, so that third party programs are able to read and process them correctly!

At present the following elements are used: < datatrak>, < tausim>.

<applicationdata> stands inside the < dive>section before the < samples> section.

Example: see < datatrak>, and < tausim>

8.12 <ar>

Specifies the argon fraction of a (breathing) gas, given as a real number less or equal 1.0 in percent (of volume).

Stands inside the < mix> section.

There are no further elements inside <ar>.

Examples: (see also < mix>)

    <-- 100% Argon -->

    <-- 73% Argon -->

8.13 <arealength>

Indicates the length in metres as a real number of the longer side of an area (rectangle), for example examined through an archeological survey, or a biological mapping. See also < areawidth>, < maximumdepth>, and < minimumdepth>.

Stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <arealength>.

Example: (see also < sitedata>)

        <-- the longer side of the examined area has a length of 3 m -->

        <-- the shorter one has a width of 2 m -->

8.14 <areawidth>

Indicates the length in metres as a real number of the shorter side of an area (rectangle), for example examined through an archeological survey, or a biological mapping. See also < arealength>, < maximumdepth>, and < minimumdepth>.

Stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <areawidth>.

Example: (see also < sitedata>)

        <-- the longer side of the examined area has a length of 3 m -->

        <-- the shorter one has a width of 2 m -->

8.15 <ascidiacea>

Inside <ascidiacea> all noticed seasquirts are listed.

The <ascidiacea> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <ascidiacea>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.16 <audio>

With <audio> an audio sequence is put in brackets.

Stands inside the < notes> section. The statement can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Element inside <audio> are: < objectname>.

See also < objectname>.

Examples: (see also < notes>)


8.17 <beam>

<beam> brackets the width of a ship (now wreck :-) ) in metres as a real number.

The <beam> element stands inside < dimension>.

There are no further elements inside <beam>.

Example: see < dimension>, and < wreck>

8.18 <birthdate>

Inside <birthdate> the date of birh of a person is given.

The <birthdate> element stands inside < personal>.

Elements inside <birthdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> (in this order).

Example: see < personal>

8.19 <boattrip/>

<boattrip/> is a switch and indicates that this journey is a dive trip made on a ship.

<boattrip/> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

There are no further elements inside <boattrip/>.

Example: see < divetrip>

8.20 <body>

With <body> a (photo, or video camera respectively) body is denoted.

<body> stands inside the < camera> section, or the < videocamera> section respectively.

Elements inside <body> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: see < camera>

8.21 <boots>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of these boots

Inside <boots> informations about boots is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <boots> elements can be given one after the other. If additional equipment is to be listed, all same parts should stand directly one after the other for the sake of better human readability!

Elements inside <boots> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <boots id="my_boots">
            <manufacturer>Not Known</manufacturer>
            <model>Size 48</model>
            <!-- no serial number in this case :-) -->
                    <year>1970</year><month>10</month><day>7</day><dayofweek>3</dayofweek> <!-- Wednesday -->
                <price currency="DM">10.00</price>
            <!-- better wash them once per month... ;-) -->
            <!-- a certain service interval does not exist ;-) -->

8.22 <bottom>

<bottom> informs about the general nature of the ground at the dive spot.

<bottom> stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <bottom>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.23 <bottomtimemaximum>

<bottomtimemaximum> (bottom time maximum) sets the maximum bottom time in seconds (as a real number) which is to be considered within table output for the shallowest depth.

Stands inside < tablescope> after < divedepthstep>, and before < bottomtimeminimum>.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- maximum bottom time to be considered for table output 100 minutes -->

8.24 <bottomtimeminimum>

<bottomtimeminimum> (bottom time minimum) sets the maximum bottom time in seconds (as a real number) which is to be considered within table output for the deepest depth.

Stands inside < tablescope> after < bottomtimemaximum>, and before < bottomtimestepbegin>.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- minimal bottom time to be considered for table output 15 minutes -->

8.25 <bottomtimestepbegin>

<bottomtimestepbegin> (bottom time step begin) defines the increment for the bottom time in seconds (as a real number) which shall be considered in the table output for the minimal (i.e. shallowest) dive depth.

Stands inside < tablescope> after < bottomtimeminimum> and before < bottomtimestepend>.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- at beginning (at shallowest depth) increment 25 minutes -->

8.26 <bottomtimestepend>

<bottomtimestepend> (bottom time step end) defines the increment for the bottom time in seconds (as a real number) which shall be considered in the table output for the maximum (i.e. deepest) dive depth.

Stands inside < tablescope> as last element after < bottomtimestepbegin>.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- increment 1 minute at deepest depth -->

8.27 <bottomtimetable>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of this table

Inside the <bottomtimetable> section statements for the generation of a certain "maximum bottom time table" are put in brackets.

<bottomtimetable> is the only element inside < calculatebottomtimetable> and can be repeated any times.

Elements inside <bottomtimetable> are: < tableref>, < output>, < program>, and < bottomtimetablescope>.


            <!-- here can stand more statements for the table generation -->
            <table id="divetable_air_0m">
                <!-- here stand definitions for the generation of a dive -->
                <!-- table for sea level with air as breathing gas -->
            <!-- here can stand more statements for the table generation -->
            <!-- here can stand more statements for the MBT table generation -->
            <bottomtimetable id="max_bottime_table_air_0m">
                <!-- reference to the prior calculated dive table as a basis -->
                <!-- to calculate now the "maximum bottom time table" -->
                <tableref ref="divetable_air_0m">
                <!-- following informations concerning the output file -->
                    <!-- output in English language -->
                    <!-- ASCII format (-> file extension ".txt") -->
                    <!-- name of output file (extension ".txt" must not be given!) -->
                    <!-- headline for table -->
                    <headline>Kai's Maximal Bottom Time Table for sea level</headline>
                    <!-- explaining text, or some othe remarks -->
                        This is Kai's "Maximal Bottom Time Table" for scuba dives in the sea
                        with air as breathing gas to be used. If the diver has to obey some
                        decompression stops using the full bottom time, a "d" is put in front
                        of the numerical value. These necessary deco stops are considered in
                        the calculated bottom time given.
                    <!-- here software specific statements -->
                    <!-- beginning with a depth of 5 m, deepest depth 60 m, increment 5 m -->
                    <!-- calculate table for different breathing gas consumption values: -->
                    <!-- beginning with 10 liters per minute, greatest BCV 30 l/min, increment 5 l/min -->
                    <!-- UDDF uses only SI units => l/min .> m^3/s -->
                    <!-- beginning with a tank volume of 10 litres, end with 20 l, increment 5 l -->
                    <!-- fill pressure 200 bar, reserve pressure 40 bar -->
            <!-- here can stand more statements for the MBT table generation -->

8.28 <bottomtimetablescope>

Inside the <bottomtimetablescope> element (bottom time table scope) field parameters for the generation of "maximum bottom time" tables (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>) are put in brackets.

<bottomtimetablescope> stands within < bottomtimetable>.

Elements inside <bottomtimetablescope> are: < divedepthbegin>, < divedepthend>, < divedepthstep>, < breathingconsumptionvolumebegin>, < breathingconsumptionvolumeend>, < breathingconsumptionvolumestep>, < tankvolumebegin>, < tankvolumeend>, < tankvolumestep>, < pfill>, and < preserve>.

Example: see < bottomtimetable>

8.29 <breathingconsumptionvolume>

Indicates the breathing gas consumption volume for this breathing gas. The unit to be used is cubicmeter per second [m^3/s]! A conversion into the unit "litre per minute" which is normally used in dive tables is subject to the executing software - UDDF uses SI units only!

<breathingconsumptionvolume> stands inside the < tankdata> section.

Example: (see also < tankdata>)

    <!-- BCV of 20 l/min ^= 0.00033333... m^3/s -->

8.30 <breathingconsumptionvolumebegin>

Indicates that breathing gas consumption in cubicmeter per seconds [m^3/s] as a real number, with which value output for a "maximum bottom time table" (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>) shall begin. (A conversion into the unit "litre per minute" which is normally used in dive tables is subject to the executing software - UDDF uses SI units only!)

<breathingconsumptionvolumebegin> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope> after < divedepthstep>, and before < breathingconsumptionvolumeend>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- beginning with a BCV of 10 l/min ^= 0.00016666... m^3/s -->

8.31 <breathingconsumptionvolumeend>

Indicates that breathing gas consumption in cubicmeter per seconds [m^3/s] as a real number, with which value output for a "maximum bottom time table" (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>) shall end. (A conversion into the unit "litre per minute" which is normally used in dive tables is subject to the executing software - UDDF uses SI units only!)

<breathingconsumptionvolumeend> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope> after < breathingconsumptionvolumebegin>, and before < breathingconsumptionvolumestep>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- maximum BCV of 30 l/min ^= 0.0005 m^3/s-->

8.32 <breathingconsumptionvolumestep>

Indicates the increment for the breathing gas consumption in cubicmeter per seconds [m^3/s] as a real number for output for a "maximum bottom time table" (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>). (A conversion into the unit "litre per minute" which is normally used in dive tables is subject to the executing software - UDDF uses SI units only!)

<breathingconsumptionvolumestep> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope> after < breathingconsumptionvolumeend>, and before < tankvolumebegin>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- increment of 5 l/min ^= 0.000083333... m^3/s for BCV -->

8.33 <bryozoa>

Inside <bryozoa> all bryozoans seen are listed.

The <bryozoa> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <bryozoa>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.34 <buddy>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of a dive buddy

Inside the <buddy> section all known data of a certain dive buddy are put in brackets. Any number of <buddy> elements can be given, which describe the different dive buddies of the < owner> of the UDDF file.

Elements inside <buddy> are: < personal>, < address>, < passport>, < contact>, < medical>, < certification>, < divepermissions>, < diveinsurances>, and < notes>.


8.35 <built>

Inside <built> the shipyard name, and the date of launching are given.

The <built> element stands inside < wreck>.

Elements inside <built> are: < shipyard> und < launchingdate>.

Example: (see also < wreck>)

        <shipyard>Blohm & Voss</shipyard>
            <dayofweek>1</dayofweek> <!-- Monday -->

8.36 <buoyancycontroldevice>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this buoyancy control device

Inside <buoyancycontroldevice> information concerning a buoyancy control device (BCD) used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <buoyancycontroldevice> elements can be given one after the other. If additional equipment is to be listed, all same parts should stand directly one after the other for the sake of better human readability!

Elements inside <buoyancycontroldevice> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <buoyancycontroldevice id="my_bcd">
            <manufacturer>James Miller</manufacturer>
            <model>Underwater Camping Team</model>
                <price currency="DM">100.00</price>
            <!-- service every year -->
                <!-- In former times you bought quality products! ;-) -->

8.37 <calculatebottomtimetable>

Inside <calculatebottomtimetable> (calculate bottom time table) statements for one or more "maximum bottom time" tables to be calculated are given.

The <calculatebottomtimetable> element stands inside the < tablegeneration> section (necessary) after a < calculatetable> statement. Within the latter at least one decompression table must have been computed on whose basis a "maximum bottom time" table can be calculated.

The only element within <calculatebottomtimetable> is < tableref> which can be repeated any times.

Example: (see also < tablegeneration>)


8.38 <calculateprofile>

Inside <calculateprofile> follow statements for an ascent profile to be calculated.

The <calculateprofile> element stands inside the < tablegeneration> section only once (if given). Inside < tablegeneration> also the following two elements can appear: < calculatebottomtimetable> (calculation of "maximum bottom time" tables), and < calculatetable> (for the generation of decompression tables) respectively.

The only element within <calculateprofile> is < profile> (which can be repeated any times).

Example: (see also < tablegeneration>)

        <profile id="ascent_profile_dive_lusitania_zhl16>
            <!-- ascent profile calculated using decompression model ZH-L16 -->
        <profile id="ascent_profile_dive_lusitania_rgbm>
            <!-- ascent profile calculated using decompression model RGBM -->
        <profile id="ascent_profile_dive_lusitania_zhl16ds>
            <!-- ascent profile calculated using decompression model ZH-L16 plus Deep Stops-->
        <!-- here more statements for the calculation of ascent profiles can follow  -->

8.39 <calculatetable>

Inside <calculatetable> statements concerning a decompression table to be calculated are given.

The <calculatetable> element stands inside the < tablegeneration> section and can be repeated any times. The only elements with same hierarchy level inside < tablegeneration> are < calculateprofile>, and < calculatebottomtimetable> respectively. If used more than once, these elements should not be mixed. (Here < calculatebottomtimetable> has to be given after <calculatetable>.)

The only element within <calculatetable> is < table> which can be repeated any times.

Example: (see also < tablegeneration>)

        <table id="decotable-1">
            <!-- following all instructions for calculation of "decotable-1" -->
        <table id="decotable-2">
            <!-- following all instructions for calculation of "decotable-2" -->
        <table id="decotable-3">
            <!-- following all instructions for calculation of "decotable-3" -->
        <!-- here more statements for the calculation of ascent profiles can follow  -->

8.40 <camera>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of a (photo) camera

Inside <camera> statements for the description of a camera used are given (with subsequent indicated body, and lenses).

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <camera> elements can follow one after the other.

Elements inside <camera> are: < body>, < lens>, and < flash>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <camera id="Analogue-Camera">
            <body id="Nikonos_V">
                <name>Nikonos V</name>
                    <price currency="DM">850.00</price>
            <lens id="Nikonos_35mm">
                <name>35 mm lens</name>
                <model>35 mm</model>
                    <price currency="DM">430.00</price>
            <lens id="Nikonos_20mm">
                <name>20 mm lens</name>
                <model>20 mm</model>
                    <price currency="DM">900.00</price>
                    <shop>Second hand</shop>
            <flash id="Ikelite_200">
                <name>Substrobe 200</name>
                    <price currency="DM">1350.00</price>
        <camera id="Digital-Camera">
            <body id="Olympus">
                <name>Digital camera</name>
                    <price currency="EUR">500.00</price>
            <lens id="Olympus_Zoom_in_Body">
                <name>Zoom lens</name>
                    <price currency="EUR">500.00</price>

8.41 <category>

Inside <category> the category of a hotel, or a campingground respectively, is given.

The <category> element stands inside < accommodation>.

There are no further elements inside <category>.

Examples: (see also < accommodation>)


8.42 <cave>

Inside <cave> follow information about a cave.

The <cave> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <cave> are: < notes>, and

Example: see < sitedata>

8.43 <certification>

Inside <certification> data about the certification of a diver is given.

The <certification> element stands inside < education> and can be repeated any times.

Elements inside <certification> are: < level>, < organization>, < instructor>, < issuedate>, < validdate>, and < specialty>,

Example: (see also < education>)

8.44 <chlorophyceae>

Inside <chlorophyceae> all seen, or collected, green algae are listed.

The <chlorophyceae> element stands inside < flora>.

There are no further elements inside <chlorophyceae>.

Example: see < flora>

8.45 <chondrichthyes>

Inside <chondrichthyes> all seen cartilaginous fishes (sharks, rays) are listed.

The <chondrichthyes> element stands inside < vertebrata>.

There are no further elements inside <chondrichthyes>.

Example: see < vertebrata>, and < fauna>

8.46 <city>

Inside <city> the city of an address is named.

<city> stands inside < address>.

There are no further elements inside <city>.

Example: see < address>

8.47 <cnidaria>

Inside <cnidaria> all seen, or collected and afterwards determined, cnidarians are listed.

The <cnidaria> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <cnidaria>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.48 <coelenterata>

Inside <coelenterata> all seen, or collected and afterwards determined, coelenteratas are listed.

The <coelenterata> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <coelenterata>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.49 <compass>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of a compass

Inside <compass> statements concerning the used compass model are given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <compass> elements can be given one after the other.

Elements inside <compass> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <compass id="my_compass">
            <manufacturer>Master of Compasses</manufacturer>
            <model>Master I</model>
                <price currency="DM">20.00</price>
                <shop>Diver's Needs</shop>

8.50 <compressor>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of a compressor

Inside <compressor> informations concerning a compressor used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <compressor> elements can be given one after the other.

Elements inside <compressor> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <compressor id="our_bull">
            <manufacturer>Compressor Air</manufacturer>
                <price currency="DM">1500.00</price>

8.51 <contact>

Inside <contact> data concerning getting in touch with some one are given, like phone number, email address, language etc.

The <contact> element stands inside < owner>, < buddy>, or < shop> respectively.

Elements inside <contact> are: < language>, < pone>, < email>, and < homepage>.

Example: (see also < owner> und < buddy>)


8.52 <country>

Inside <country> the country of a city, or dive spot respectively, are put in brackets.

In the first case <country> stands inside the < address> section.

In the second case the <country> element stands inside < geography>.

There are no further elements inside <country>.

Examples: (see also < address> sowie < geography>)

    <!-- <country> given inside <address> -->
        <street>Kornstr. 24</street>

    <!-- <country> as a statement inside <geography> -->
        <!-- here more information concerning geographical latitude, and longitude -->

8.53 <crustacea>

Inside <crustacea> all seen crustaceans are listed.

The <crustacea> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <crustacea>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.54 <ctenophora>

Inside <ctenophora> all seen ctenophoranes are listed.

The <ctenophora> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <ctenophora>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.55 <datatrak>

Inside this section specific information concerning the data format used by Aladin dive computers manufactured by Uwatec are given. At time the following elements are used:

Stands inside the optional < applicationdata> section as the only statement.


          <!-- previous statements -->
              <!-- 2 bytes per tissue, not decoded yet -->
              <ip> 95  11</ip>
              <ip>103  11</ip>
              <ip>107  11</ip>
              <ip>110  11</ip>
              <ip>224  11</ip>
              <ip>156  12</ip>
              <ip>122  12</ip>
              <ip>212  11</ip>
          <!-- here profile data -->

8.56 <date>

The date at which a dive, or examination, was performed or a profile, or table, was generated by a program, or a photo was taken respectively.

The elements inside <date> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> (for sake of clarity this order should be kept).

<date> can appear in different sections. It should stand before < time> (if this is given).

Example: (see also < examination>, or < imagedata> e.g.)

            <!-- Date April 6th, 1999 (Tuesday) -->
            <!-- here more statements -->
        <!-- here can follow more dives -->

8.57 <day>

The day of the month, in which the dive was performed or the profile was generated by a program respectively, given as an integer number.

Stands inside < date>. The sequence is < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> (, exactly in this order).

Example: see < date>

8.58 <dayofweek>

"Day of week" of the given date as an integer. Monday as the first day of the week is assigned a "1", Wednesday a "3", Saturday a "6", and Sunday a "7" and so on.

Stands inside < date>. The sequence < year>, < month>, < day>, < dayofweek> should be met.

Example: see < date>

8.59 <dcalarm>

By means of <dcalarm> the alarm type for a certain event is defined which a dive computer has to generate.

Elements inside <dcalarm> are: < acknowledge/>, < alarmtype>, and < period>.

Stands inside the < setdcdivetimealarm>, or the < setdcdivedepthalarm> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.60 <dcalarmdepth>

Inside <dcalarmdepth> the depth in metres as a real number is defined, at which the dive computer has to generate a specific alarm signal by means of < dcalarm>.

The <dcalarmdepth> element stands inside < setdcdivedepthalarm>.

There are no further elements inside <dcalarmdepth>.

Example: see < setdcdivedepthalarm>

8.61 <decomodel>

Sets the decompression model for the calculation of an ascent profile, or a decompression table respectively.

The <decomodel> statement stands inside the < profile>, or < table> section.

Example: (see also < profile>, and < table>)

    <!-- RGBM decompression model -->

8.62 <deepstoptime>

Sets the duration in seconds for "deep stops" to be taken into account. Traditionally, a "deep stop" is held at half depth between the deepest depth and the first deco stop, or between two deco stops respectively.

<deepstoptime> stands inside the < profile> section concerning the calculation of an ascent profile, or inside the < table> section, if a decompression table is to be calculated (the latter may be unusual).

Example: (see also < profile>)

    <!-- 1 minute deep stop -->

8.63 <density>

Density of water in kg/m^3.

Stands inside the < sitedata> section.

Pure freshwater has a density of 1000.0 kg/m^3, whereas the mean density of sea water (salt water) is 1030.0 kg/m^3.


    <!-- salt water -->

    <!-- fresh water -->

8.64 <depth>

Attributes: alarm=Alarm(s) given by a dive computer at this depth, divetime=absolutly passed time since the beginning of the dive, given in seconds, setpo2=the constant oxygen partial pressure to be hold, switchmix=Name of a breathing gas used at this depth, temperature=Water temperature in Kelvin at this depth, work=indicates the workload when using an air integrated dive computer

Depth statement given as a real number in metres. Several attributes can, or are to be given:

alarm: Warnings of the recording dive computer. At the time the following keywords are recognized:

            keyword          announcement of dive computer
            rbt              remaining bottom time exceeded
            error            general error (deco stop missed, etc.)
            ascent           ascent too fast
            deco             announcement of a deco stop
            breath           breathing frequency too high
            surface          surface reached

If several alarms occur at the same time, the individual alarms will be divided by commas.

divetime: The absolutely passed time since the beginning of the dive, given in seconds as an integer.

setpo2: Using a rebreather, setpo2 sets the constant oxygen partial pressure to be hold from this <depth> statement on until the parameter is changed by another setpo2 attribute. When changing from a rebreather to an open system the keyword none is to be used: setpo2="none".

The setpo2 attribute can be used as often as necessary to change the oxygen partial pressure.

switchmix: This attribute indicates the breathing gas used from this depth on until another switchmix attribute is given in a following <depth> statements.

temperature: The actual water temperature at the specified depth, given in Kelvin as a real number. The temperature is valid until a new temperature attribute is given in a following <depth> statement.

work: Indicates the workload when using an air integrated dive computer. At time the following levels in Datatrak files are recognized: 1, 2, and 4.

<depth> stands inside the < samples > section.

The first and last depth statement inside a dive profile must be <depth>0.0</depth>, because every dive begins and ends at the surface at a depth of 0 m.

Examples: (see also < samples>)

        <!-- nachfolgende Tiefenangaben in 20 Sekunden-Intervallen -->
        <!-- Luft als Atemgas bei diesem Tauchgang -->
        <!-- 16 °C Wassertemperatur -->
        <d> 0.0</d>
        <d> 0.7</d>
        <d> 1.3</d>
        <d> 7.7</d>
        <!-- 13 °C Wassertemperatur - Sprungschicht bei 8 m Tiefe -->
        <d> 8.0</d>
        <d> 8.0</d>
        <d> 8.3</d>
        <d> 8.7</d>
        <!-- 10 °C Wassertemperatur - noch eine Sprungschicht in 11 m Tiefe -->

8.65 <difficulty>

Inside <difficulty> a (more or less) personal assessment of the difficulty level of this dive spot is given - this concerns the general conditions, not the ones during a specific dive. The scale ranges from "1" (very easy to dive) through "10" (very difficult to dive).

The <difficulty> element stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <difficulty>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.66 <dimension>

Inside <dimension> the technical data of a ship (now wreck) are given.

The <dimension> element stands inside < wreck>.

Elements inside <dimension> are: < length>, < beam>, < draught>, < displacement>, and < tonnage>.

Example: (see also < wreck>)


8.67 <displacement>

<displacement> puts the displacement of the ship in kg as a real number in brackets.

The <displacement> element stands inside < dimension>.

There are no further elements inside <displacement>.

Example: see < dimension> und < wreck>

8.68 <dive>

By means of <dive> data concerning a dive profile are given inside a < repetitiongroup> section. Each dive profile is encapsulated with an own <dive> section; several <dive> elements are given one after the other in this case.

The individual elements uniquely describing a dive profile are: < divenumber>, < date>, < time>, < surfaceinterval>, < lowesttemperature>, < greatestdepth>, < density>, and < altitude>.

Example: (see also < repetitiongroup>)

            <place>Illes Medes, coast, archway</place>
                <!-- here references to breathing gases used -->
                <!-- here time/depth data of the profile -->
            <!-- description of next dive -->
        <!-- here more dive profiles can be given -->

8.69 <divebase>

Inside <divebase> data of a dive base, at which the dives during a holiday were made, are given.

<divebase> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

Elements inside <divebase> are: < name>, < address>, < contact>, < priceperdive>, < pricedivepackage>, < guide> < rating>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < divetrip>)

        <name>Top Diving</name>
            <!-- address of dive base -->
            <!-- email address, homepage of dive base -->
        <priceperdive currency="EUR">35.0</priceperdive>
        <pricedivepackage currency="EUR" noofdives="10">320.0</pricedivepackage>
            <!-- Guide Emil already described inside the <buddy> section, -->
            <!-- therefore here only a reference -->
            <buddyref ref="buddy_Emil_TL2">
            <!-- Guide Franka already described inside the <buddy> section, -->
            <!-- therefore here only a reference -->
            <buddyref ref="buddy_Franka">
            <text>familiar atmosphere, very friendly and obligy</text>

8.70 <divecomputer>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of a divecomputer

Inside <divecomputer> follow data concerning a dive computer used.

Stands inside the < equipment> section . Several <divecomputer> elements can be given one after the other.

Elements inside <divecomputer> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <divecomputer id="my_divecomputer">
            <name>Dive Fairy</name>
                <price currency="DM">400.00</price>
                <shop>various elektronical shops</shop>

8.71 <divecomputercontrol>

Inside the <divecomputercontrol> section statements for the configuration of a dive computer (< setdcdata>), or reading of data from a dive computer (< getdcdata>) respectively, are given.

The <divecomputercontrol> section is the last section in an UDDF file, because inside it referentiations to prior declared elements in other sections are posiible.

Elements inside <divecomputercontrol> are: < setdcdata>, and < getdcdata>.

Example 1:

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the software -->

Example 2:

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- all data stored in the dive computer shall be -->
                <!-- sent to the calling soaftware -->

Example 3:

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- dayofweeknload only data concerning defined breathing gas mixes, -->
                <!-- and all dive profile data to the calling soaftware         -->

8.72 <divedepthbegin>

<divedepthbegin> (dive depth begin) sets the shallowest dive depth in metre (as a real number) with which table output shall start.

Stands inside < tablescope>. See also < divedepthend>, and < divedepthstep>.

If <divedepthbegin> is "forgotten", table output starts with the shallowest depth numerically possible for the decompression model used.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- shallowest depth 9 m to begin with table output -->

8.73 <divedepthend>

<divedepthend> (dive depth end) sets the deepest dive depth in metre (as a real number) with which table output shall end.

Stands inside < tablescope>. See also < divedepthbegin>, and < divedepthstep>.

If <divedepthend> is "forgotten", it is up to the executing software to use a "reasonable" deepest depth for table output.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- deepest depth 60 m to end with table output -->

8.74 <divedepthstep>

<divedepthstep> (dive depth step) sets the increment for the dive depth in metre (as a real number) for table output.

Stands inside < tablescope>. See also < divedepthbegin>, and < divedepthend>.

If <divedepthstep> is "forgotten", it is up to the executing software to set a "reasonable" increment for table output.

Example: (see also < tablescope>)

    <!-- increment 5 m for table output -->

8.75 <diveinsurances>

Inside <diveinsurances> data concerning taken out dive insurance policies are given.

The <diveinsurances> element stands inside < owner> and < buddy>.

The only element inside <diveinsurances> is < insurance>.

Example: see < owner>, and < buddy>

8.76 <divenumber>

With <divenumber> the actual number (given as an integer) of this dive is put into brackets.

The <divenumber> element stands inside < dive>. There is no need to use it, but you can - for the sake of completeness of data.

There are no further elements inside <divenumber>.

Example: see < dive>

8.77 <divepermissions>

Inside <divepermissions> data concerning dive permissions are given.

The <divepermissions> element stands inside < owner>, and < buddy>.

The only element inside <divepermissions> is < permit> which can be repeated any times.

Example: see < owner>, and < buddy>

8.78 <diver>

Inside the <diver> section all known data of the < owner> of the UDDF file, and the dive buddies (< buddy>) respectively, are stored.

Elements inside <diver> are: < owner>, and < buddy>.

While only one < owner> is possible, as many as necessary < buddy> elements can appear inside the <diver> section. Here < owner> is the first element to be given.


    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the software -->
                <!-- description of the owner of the UDDF file -->
                <!-- description of the first dive buddy -->
                <!-- description of the second dive buddy -->
                <!-- description of the third dive buddy -->
            <!-- here more <buddy> elements if necessary -->
        <!-- here more sections (<divesite>, <gasdefinitions>, <profiledata> etc.) -->

8.79 <divesite>

Inside the <divesite> section all data concerning dive spots - geography, relevant data to dives etc. - are given.

The <divesite> section stands after the < diver> section and before the <divetrip> section.

Elements inside <divesite> are:


    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the software -->
                <!-- description of the owner of the UDDF file -->
                <!-- description of the first dive buddy -->
            <!-- here more <buddy> elements if necessary -->
                <!-- here description of the first dive site -->
                <!-- here description of the second dive site -->
                <!-- here description of the third dive site -->
            <!-- here more <site> elements if necessary -->
        <!-- here more sections (<divetrip>, <gasdefinitions>, <profiledata> etc.) -->

8.80 <divetrip>

Inside the <divetrip> section all data concerning dive trips are given.

The <divetrip> section stands after the < divesite> section and before the < gasdefinitions> section.

The only element inside <divetrip> is < trip> which can be repeated any times.


            <!-- information concerning the first stored dive trip -->
            <name>Red Sea 2000</name>
            <!-- information concerning the second stored dive trip -->
            <name>Red Sea 2001</name>
            <!-- information concerning the third stored dive trip -->
            <name>Island of Elba 2002</name>
        <!-- here more <trips> can follow -->

8.81 <doctor>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of the treating doctor

Inside <doctor> information about the treating doctor of the dive ability examination are put in brackets.

The <doctor> element stands inside < examination>. See also < examinationresult>.

Elements inside <doctor> are: < personal>, < address>, and < contact>.

Example: (see also < examination>)

                <!-- if date of birthdate known, it can be given here -->
            <street>Duddelstr. 34</street>
            <!-- neither email address nor homepage known -->

8.82 <draught>

<draught> describes the draught of the ship (now wreck) in the format of a real number.

The <draught> element stands inside < dimension>.

There are no further elements inside <draught>.

Example: see < dimension>, and < wreck>

8.83 <equivalentairdepth>

The "equivalent air depth" of a breathing gas, given as a real number.

Stands inside the < mix> section. See also < maximumoperationdepth>, and < breathingconsumptionvolume>.

There are no further elements inside <equivalentairdepth>.

Example: (see also < mix>, and < gasdefinitions> respectively)

    <-- 40.0 metres equivalent air depth -->

8.84 <echinodermata>

Inside <echinodermata> all seen echinoderms are listed.

The <echinodermata> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <echinodermata>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.85 <ecology>

Inside <ecology> information concerning the ecology of the dive spot is described. Here typically seen animals, and plant species are stored.

The <ecology> element stands inside < site>.

Elements inside <ecology> are: < fauna>, and < flora>.


        <!-- here geographic information concerning the dive spot -->
            <!-- here typically found animal species at this dive spot -->
            <!-- here typically found plant species at this dive spot -->
        <!-- here further information concerning the dive spot -->

8.86 <education>

Inside <education> information concerning the educational level of the diver is given.

The <education> element stands inside < owner>, and < buddy>.

The only element inside <education> is < certification> which can be repeated any times as necessary.

Example: (see also < owner>, and < buddy>)

        <!-- all levels of the owner's, or a buddy's, dive education -->
        <!-- -> several <certification> elements one after the other -->
            <!-- because data of the then dive instructor were not -->
            <!-- registered in an UDDF file, no reference via      -->
            <!-- <instructorref="..."> can be made here            -->
                <dayofweek>2</dayofweek> <!-- Tuesday -->
            <!-- because data of the then dive instructor were not -->
            <!-- registered in an UDDF file, no reference via      -->
            <!-- <instructorref="..."> can be made here            -->
                <dayofweek>3</dayofweek> <!-- Wednesday -->
            <!-- because data of the then dive instructor were not -->
            <!-- registered in an UDDF file, no reference via      -->
            <!-- <instructorref="..."> can be made here            -->
                <dayofweek>3</dayofweek> <!-- Wednesday -->
        <!-- here more <certification> elements if necessary -->

8.87 <email>

Inside <email> the email address of a person is given.

The <email> element stands inside < contact>.

There are no further elements inside <email>.

Example: see < contact>

8.88 <enddate>

Inside <enddate> the date of the end of a dive trip is given. See also < startdate>.

<enddate> stands inside < divetrip> section.

Elements inside <startdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> (where this sequence should be met).

Example: see < divetrip>

8.89 <equipment>

Inside the <equipment> section all data concerning the diving equipment are given.

The <equipment> section stands inside < owner>. Additionally, it can appear as further information in each < buddy> element.

To simplify matters an alphabetical order of the elements inside <equipment> in the UDDF file is met.

Elements inside der <equipment> section are: < buoyancycontroldevice>, < boots>, < camera>, < compass>, < compressor>, < divecomputer>, < fins>, < gloves>, < knife>, < lead>, < light>, < mask>, < rebreather>, < regulator>, < scooter>, < suit>, < tank>, < variouspieces>, < videocamera>, and < watch>.


        <buoyancycontroldevice id="my_bcd">
            <manufacturer>James Miller</manufacturer>
            <model>Underwater Camping Team</model>
                <price currency="DM">100.00</price>
            <!-- service every year -->
                <!-- In former times you bought quality products! ;-) -->
        <boots id="my_boots">
            <manufacturer>Not Known</manufacturer>
            <model>Size 48</model>
            <!-- no serial number in this case :-) -->
                    <year>1970</year><month>10</month><day>7</day><dayofweek>3</dayofweek> <!-- Wednesday -->
                <price currency="DM">10.00</price>
            <!-- better wash them once per month... ;-) -->
            <!-- a certain service interval does not exist ;-) -->
        <camera id="Analogue-Camera">
            <body id="Nikonos_V">
                <name>Nikonos V</name>
                    <price currency="DM">850.00</price>
            <lens id="Nikonos_35mm">
                <name>35 mm lens</name>
                <model>35 mm</model>
                    <price currency="DM">430.00</price>
            <lens id="Nikonos_20mm">
                <name>20 mm lens</name>
                <model>20 mm</model>
                    <price currency="DM">900.00</price>
                    <shop>Second hand</shop>
            <flash id="Ikelite_200">
                <name>Substrobe 200</name>
                    <price currency="DM">1350.00</price>
        <camera id="Digital-Camera">
            <body id="Olympus">
                <name>Digital camera</name>
                    <price currency="EUR">500.00</price>
            <lens id="Olympus_Zoom_in_Body">
                <name>Zoom lens</name>
                    <price currency="EUR">500.00</price>
        <!-- here may appear some additional descriptions of parts of diving equipment -->
        <tank id="tank_1">
            <name>favourite tank</name>
            <manufacturer>Super tank manufacturer</manufacturer>
            <model>As hard as steel</model>
                    <!-- date of purchase of tank -->
                <price currency="DM">250.00</price>
                    <!-- information concerning the shop, where the tank was bought -->
                <!-- date of next proof by safety standards authority -->
            <tankmaterial>steel</tankmaterial>    <!-- steel tank -->
        <!-- here more tank descriptions can be inserted -->
        <!-- here more other descriptions can appear -->

8.90 <examination>

Inside <examination> werden Daten zu einer Tauchtauglichkeits-Untersuchung gespeichert.

The <examination> element stands inside < medical>. Any number of <examination> elements can be given.

Elements inside <examination> are: < date>, < doctor>, < examinationresult>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < medical>)

                    <!-- if date of birthdate is known, it can be given here -->
                <street>Duddelstr. 34</street>
                Flatfeet seem not to affect diving ability :-)

8.91 <examinationresult>

With <examinationresult> the result of a medical examination is put into brackets. The only values allowed are "passed", and "failed" respectively.

The <examinationresult> element stands inside < examination>.

There are no further elements inside <examinationresult>.

Example: see < examination>

8.92 <exposurecompensation>

Within <exposurecompensation> the exposure compensation used for a certain photo is put into brackets. The value is given in EV (exposure values). Normally, a range of +-2 EV is used. For UDDF, this value has to be converted to a real number.

<exposurecompensation> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <exposurecompensation>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < filmspeed>, < focallength>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Examples: (see also < image>)

    <!-- exposure compensation + 1 1/3 aperture increments -->

    <!-- exposure compensation -2/3 aperture increments -->

8.93 <fauna>

Inside <fauna> information is given about normally found animals at a dive spot, or the animals seen during a specific dive. If the membership in classes, and tribes respectively, is known, the information can be given inside the respective elements. If classes, and tribes respectively, are not known the names of the animals are simply put in brackets with the < text> element.

<fauna> stands inside < ecology> (description of normally at a dive spot found animals, and plants), and inside < observations> (if observations made during a dive shall be recorded).

Elements inside <fauna> are: < invertebrata> (invertebrates - further divided, see there), < vertebrata> (vertebrates - further divided, see there), and < notes>.

Example 1:

        <invertebrata>                <!-- invertebrates -->
            <porifera>                <!-- sponges -->
            <coelenterata>            <!-- coelenteratas -->
            <cnidaria>                <!-- cnidarians -->
            <ctenophora>              <!-- ctenophoranes -->
            <plathelminthes>          <!-- flatworms -->
            <bryozoa>                 <!-- bryozoans -->
            <phoronidea>              <!-- phoronids -->
            <ascidiacea>              <!-- seasquirts -->
            <echinodermata>           <!-- echinoderms -->
            <mollusca>                <!-- molluscs -->
            <crustacea>               <!-- crustaceans -->
            <invertebratavarious>     <!-- all other invertebrates -->
        <vertebrata>                  <!-- vertebrates -->
            <chondrichthyes>          <!-- cartilaginous fishes - sharks, rays -->
            <osteichthyes>            <!-- Knochenfische -->
            <mammalia>                <!-- mammalians -->
            <amphibia>                <!-- amphibians -->
            <reptilia>                <!-- reptiles -->
            <vertebratavarious>       <!-- all other vertebrates-->

Example 2:

        <!-- no interest to look into a field guide... -->
                Goldschwamm, Nierenschwamm, Meerjunker, Mönchsfisch, Geweihschleimfisch
            <!-- here can also appear images, video files etc. -->

8.94 <fax>

<fax> indicates the fax number.

The <fax> element stands inside < contact>.

There are no further elements inside <fax>.

Example: see < contact>

8.95 <filename>

With <filename> a name for the output file to be generated is given. If the element is not given, the software has to choose the name automatically.

A file extension need not to/must not be given, because it is determined by the output file format (see also < fileformat>):

      Format   file extension
      ASCII         .txt
     (La)TeX        .tex
       PDF          .pdf
    Postscript      .ps
      HTML          .html
     DocBook        .xml

The <filename> element stands inside < output>. It must be given only once. See also < lingo>, < fileformat>, < headline>, and < remark>.

There are no further elements inside <filename>.

Example: (see also < output>)

    <!-- a very imaginative name... :-) -->
    <!-- the file extension MUST NOT be given -->
    <!-- because it is determined by the file format -->

8.96 <filmspeed>

Within <filmspeed> the film speed used for a certain photo is put into brackets. The parameter is to be given as an integer ISO (ASA) value.

<filmspeed> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <filmspeed>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < focallength>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Example: (see also < image>)

    <!-- film speed 100 ASA (ISO) -->

8.97 <fins>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of the fins

Inside <fins> information about the fins is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <fins> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <fins> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <fins id="my_red_fins">
            <!-- no serial number -->
                <price currency="DM">80.00</price>
                <shop>Diver's Choice</shop>
            <!-- no service interval -->

8.98 <firstname>

Inside <firstname> the first name of a person is given.

The <firstname> element stands inside < personal>.

There are no further elements inside <firstname>.

Example: see < personal>

8.99 <flash>

<flash> dscribes the flash used with a camera housing.

<flash> stands inside the < camera> section.

Elements inside <flash> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: see < camera>

8.100 <flora>

Inside <flora> information is given about normally found plants at a dive spot, or the plants seen during a specific dive. If the membership in classes, and divisions respectively, is known, the information can be given inside the respective elements. If classes, and tribes respectively, are not known the names of the plants are simply put in brackets with the < text> element.

<flora> stands inside < ecology> (description of normally at a dive spot found animals, and plants), and inside < observations> (if observations made during a dive shall be recorded).

Elements inside <flora> are: < rhodophyceae> (red algae), < phaeophyceae> (brown algae), < chlorophyceae> (green algae), < spermatophyta> (flowering plants), < floravarious> (all other plants, not belonging to one of the above elements), and < text>.

Example 1:

        <rhodophyceae>      <!-- red algae -->
        <phaeophyceae>      <!-- brown algae -->
        <chlorophyceae>     <!-- green algae -->
        <spermatophyta>     <!-- flowering plants -->
        <floravarious>      <!-- all other plants -->

Example 2:

        <!-- no interest to look into a field guide... -->
            Schirmchenalge, Trichteralge, Meersalat, Neptunsgras

8.101 <floravarious>

Inside <floravarious> all found plants are listed which cannot be assigned to one of the other elements of this level (< rhodophyceae> (red algae), < phaeophyceae> (brown algae), < chlorophyceae> (green algae), < spermatophyta> (flowering plants)).

The <floravarious> element stands inside < flora>.

There are no further elements inside <floravarious>.

Example: see < flora>

8.102 <focallength>

Within <focallength> the focal distance of a lens used for a certain photo is put into brackets. The value is to be given as a real number in metres (!).

<focallength> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <focallength>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Example: (see also < image>)

    <!-- 20 mm lens -->

8.103 <focusdistance>

Within <focusdistance> the focus distance of the lens used for the photo is put into brackets. The value is to be given as a real number in metres.

<focusdistance> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <focusdistance>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focallength>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Example: (see also < image>)

    <!-- focus distance of lens set to 3.2 m -->

8.104 <fileformat>

<fileformat> controls the output format to be generated. Possible formats are: ASCII, HTML, (La)TeX, PDF, Postscript, DocBook... If the specified format is not supported by the executing software, or the <fileformat> statement is missing respectively, output is generated in ASCII format.

Specifying the output format determines also the file extension (see also < filename>):

      Format       keyword      fileextension
      ASCII         ascii          .txt
     (La)TeX       (la)tex         .tex
       PDF           pdf           .pdf
    Postscript    postscript       .ps
      HTML          html           .html
     DocBook       docbook         .xml

The <fileformat> element stands inside < output>. It may appear only once. See also < lingo>, < filename>, < headline>, and < remark>.

There are no further elements inside <fileformat>.

Example: (see also < output>)

    <!-- output in ASCII format -->

    <!-- the table shall be generated as a TeX file -->

    <!-- the table shall be generated as a TeX file -->

    <!-- output in DocBook format -->

8.105 <gasdefinitions>

Inside the <gasdefinitions> section happens the definition of the different breathing gases used by the < owner> of the UDDF file.

<gasdefinitions> stands after the < divetrip> section and before < profiledata>.

The only elements inside <gasdefinitions> are < mix>, and < tankdata> (both can be repeated any times). First all < mix> elements have to appear, then all < tankdata> statements. This is necessary to support referentiations inside the latter to breathing gases declared in the < mix> elements.


        <!-- all breathing gases used -->
        <mix id="oxygen_pure">
            <name>pure oxygen</name>
        <mix id="air">
        <mix id="nitrox6040">
            <name>Nitrox60/40</name>  <!-- Nitrox 60 % N2, 40 % O2 -->
        <mix id="trimix">
            <name>Trimix</name>  <!-- Trimix 15 % O2, 40 % N2, 45 % He -->
        <tankdata id="air_1">
            <!-- air filled 15 litre tank, fill pressure at beginning 200 bar, -->
            <!-- breathing gas consumption volume 12 litres/minute -->
            <mixref ref="air">
            <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0002</breathingconsumptionvolume>         <!-- units are [m^3/s]! -->
        <tankdata id="air_2">
            <!-- another air filled tank... -->
            <mixref ref="air">
            <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0003333</breathingconsumptionvolume>      <!-- units are [m^3/s]! -->
        <tankdata id="nitrox_tank">
            <mixref ref="nitrox6040">
            <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.00025</breathingconsumptionvolume>        <!-- units are [m^3/s]! -->
        <tankdata id="o2_tank">
            <mixref ref="oxygen_pure">
            <!-- the following statement requires information inside <diver><buddy> -->
            <!-- <tank id="tank_O2_pure"> about this kind of tank -->
            <tankref ref="tank_O2_pure">
            <breathingconsumptionvolume>0.0002</breathingconsumptionvolume>         <!-- units are [m^3/s]! -->

8.106 <generator>

Inside the <generator> section data concerning the software is given which generates the UDDF file.

This is the first section to appear inside an UDDF file - prior to the < diver> section.

Elements inside <generator> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < version>, < date>, and < time>.

Example: (see also < uddf>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- description of the software which generates this UDDF file -->
            <name>DSL - Diver's Super Logbook</name>
            <manufacturer>Diveheroes Company</manufacturer>
                <!-- date of generation of UDDF file -->
                <!-- time of generation of UDDF file -->
            <!-- description of the owner, and the dive buddies -->
        <!-- here more UDDF sections -->

8.107 <geography>

Inside <geography> the geographical position of a dive spot, or of a destination of a dive trip, is described.

The <geography> element stands inside < site>, or - when a dive trip is described - inside < trip>.

Elements inside <geography> are: < location>, < province>, < country>, < latitude>, < longitude>, < altitude>, and < timezone>.


        <!-- here previous information about the dive spot -->
            <location>Scapa Flow</location>
            <province>Orkney Islands</province>
            <!-- latitude: North > 0 / South < 0 --> 
            <!-- longitude: East > 0 / West < 0 --> 
            <!-- Difference to GMT in seconds (!!) -->
        <!-- here more information about the dive spot -->

8.108 <getdcalldata/>

By means of <getdcalldata> all data stored on the dive computer are dayofweeknloaded.

There are no further elements inside <getdcalldata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- all data stored on the dive computer  -->
                <!-- shall be sent to the calling software -->

8.109 <getdcbuddydata/>

By means of <getdcbuddydata> all stored dive buddy data are dayofweeknloaded from the dive computer to the calling software.

There are no further elements inside <getdcbuddydata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata/> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- all stored dive buddy data are to be sent from -->
                <!-- the dive computer to the calling software -->

8.110 <getdcdata>

By means of <getdcdata> the dive computer is instructed to send data to the calling software. If there are no further elements inside the <getdcdata> section, all data - of all stored dives - are transfered.

It is also possible to select specific data inside <getdcdata>. For this the following elements are used:

Stands inside the < divecomputercontrol> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

8.111 <getdcdivesitedata/>

By means of <getdcdivesitedata> descriptions of dive spots stored on the dive computer are requested.

There are no further elements inside <getdcdivesitedata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- descriptions of dive spots stored on the -->
                <!-- dive computer are sent to the calling software -->

8.112 <getdcdivetripdata/>

By means of <getdcdivetripdata> descriptions of dive trips stored on the dive computer are sent to the calling software.

There are no further elements inside <getdcdivetripdata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- data concerning dive trips stored on the -->
                <!-- dive computer are sent to the calling software -->

8.113 <getdcgasdefinitionsdata/>

By means of <getdcgasdefinitionsdata/> the dive computer is instructed to send data concerning stored breathing gases to the calling software/device.

There are no further elements inside <getdcgasdefinitionsdata/gt;.

Stands inside the < divecomputercontrol>-Sektion.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- request to send all stored breathing gas information -->
                <!-- on the dive computer to the calling software -->

8.114 <getdcgeneratordata/>

By means of <getdcgeneratordata> the manufacturer's data of the dive computer are read..

There are no further elements inside <getdcgeneratordata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- the manufacturer's data of the dive computer -->
                <!-- are sent to the calling software -->

8.115 <getdcprofiledata/>

By means of <getdcprofiledata> the profile data of all dives are requested.

There are no further elements inside <getdcprofiledata>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- all data concerning dive profiles stored on the -->
                <!-- dive computer are sent to the calling software -->

8.116 <getdcownerdata/>

By means of <getdcownerdata> the dive computer's owner data are requested..

There are no further elements inside <getdcownerdata/>.

Stands inside the < getdcdata/> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- here information about the data dayofweeknloading software -->
                <!-- the dive computer's owner data -->
                <!-- are sent to the calling software -->

8.117 <globallightintensity>

Klammert die mittlere, "globale" Lichtintensität des Tauchplatzes. Erlaubte Werte sind hier: 0 - nicht ermittelt, 1 - Sonne, 2 - Halbschatten, 3 - Schatten, 4 - kein Licht vorhanden (z.B. in einer Höhle). Im Gegensatz zu < lightintensity> kann bei <globallightintensity> kein Attribut zur genauen gemessenen Lichtstärke in Lux angegeben werden.

<globallightintensity> steht innerhalb < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <globallightintensity>.

See also < lightintensity>.

Example: (see also < sitedata>)

    <!-- sonniger Tauchplatz, keine Abschattungen vorhanden -->

8.118 <gloves>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of these gloves

Inside <gloves> information about gloves used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <gloves> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <gloves> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <gloves id="my_gloves">
                <price currency="DM">15.00</price>
                <shop>Diver's Choice</shop>
            <!-- no serviceinterval -->

8.119 <greatestdepth>

Within <greatestdepth> the greatest depth in metres reached during a specific dive is put into brackets (not the maximum reacheable depth at this dive spot - see < maximumdepth>!).

The <greatestdepth> element stands inside < dive>.

There are no further elements inside <greatestdepth>.


        <!-- other dive data -->
        <!-- greatest depth reached during this dive -->
        <!-- (the maximum reacheable depth at this site could be 60 m for example -->
        <!-- and would be put into brackets within <maximumdepth> inside <sitedata>) -->
        <greatestdepth>48.5 </greatestdepth>
        <!-- rest of dive data -->

8.120 <guide>

Inside <guide> a guide working at a dive base is described. Any number of <guide> elements can appear one after the other.

The <guide> element stands inside < divebase>.

Elements inside <guide> are: <buddyref ref="unique identifier of the guide"> - see < buddy>.

Example: see < divebase>

8.121 <h2>

The fraction of Hydrogen in the breathing gas, given as a real number less or equal 1.0 in percent (of volume).

Stands inside the < mix> section.

Example: (see also < mix>)

    <-- fraction of 93 % Hydrogen -->

8.122 <he>

The fraction of Helium in the breathing gas, given as a real number less or equal 1.0 in percent (of volume).

Stands inside the < mix> section.

Example: (see also < mix>)

    <-- fraction of 90 % Helium -->

8.123 <headline>

Inside <headline> a headline for an ascent profile to be generated, or a decompression table, or a "maximum bottom time" table respectively, can be given.

Stands inside < output>.

Example: (see also < tablegeneration>)

    <headline>Table for next dive on an altitude of 2000 m</headline>

8.124 <homepage>

<homepage> puts the URL (Unified Resource Locator) of a homepage in brackets.

Stands inside < contact>. The statement can be repeated any times.

There are no further elements inside <homepage>.

Example: (see also < contact>)


8.125 <hoteltrip/>

The switch <hoteltrip/> indicates that during this dive trip the nights are spent in a hotel.

<hoteltrip/> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

There are no further elements inside <hoteltrip/>.

Example: see < divetrip>

8.126 <hour>

The full hour (given as an integer) at which the dive is made, or the profile is generated by a program.

Stands inside < time>. The order <hour>, < minute> should be kept for the sake of clarity.

Example: see < time>

8.127 <housing>

Inside <housing> an underwater housing for a photo (< camera>), or video camera (< videocamera>) is put into brackets.

Stands inside < camera>, or < videocamera>.

Elements inside <housing> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: see < videocamera>

8.128 <image>

Attributes: height=height of picture in pixels, width=width of picture in pixels, format=type of picture (GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF etc.)

Inside <image> data concerning a picture - whatever type of - is put into brackets. How the image data are displayed is in the responsibility of the application program, also whether the software is able to display the image data, anyhow. To assist the application program the height (height), the width (width), and the format (format) of the image to be displayed can be given as attributes. The statement can be repeated any times.

<image> stands inside the < notes> section.

Elements within <image> are: < objectname>, and < imagedata>.

See also < audio>, and < video>.

Examples: (see also < notes>)

    <!-- the simplest possibility of a refence to a picture -->
    <!-- (in this case the image file is stored in the same directory as the UDDF file) -->

    <!-- image viewing parameters are given as attributes in <image> -->
    <image height="1500" width="2000" format="jpg">
        <!-- here an absolute path (Windows world) is given to the image -->

    <!-- some image data are given -->
    <image height="1500" width="2000">
        <!-- absolute path (Unix world) -->
            <aperture>4.0</aperture>                <!-- aperture: 4 -->
            <filmspeed>100</filmspeed>              <!-- film speed: 100 ASA -->
            <shutterspeed>0.008</shutterspeed>      <!-- shutter speed: 1/125 s -->
            <focallength>0.02</focallength>         <!-- focal length: 20 mm -->

    <!-- all image data are given -->
    <image height="4000" width="3000" format="jpg">
        <!-- absolute path (Unix world) -->
            <aperture>2.8</aperture>                <!-- aperture: 2.8 -->
            <!-- exposure compensation: -1 EV -->
            <filmspeed>400</filmspeed>              <!-- film speed: 400 ASA -->
            <shutterspeed>0.002</shutterspeed>      <!-- shutter speed: 1/500 s -->
            <focallength>0.035</focallength>        <!-- focal length of lens: 35 mm -->
            <focusdistance>1.3</focusdistance>      <!-- focus distance of lens: 1.3 m -->
            <meteringmethod>spot</meteringmethod>   <!-- spot-metering -->

8.129 <imagedata>

Inside <imagedata> additional information concerning a picture is put into brackets.

<imagedata> stands inside the < image> section.

Elements inside <imagedata> are: < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focallebgth>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < shutterspeed>, and < time>.

See also < objectname>.

Example: see < image>

8.130 <individualtrip/>

The switch <individualtrip/> indicates that this dive trip is an individual one and not a package holiday.

<individualtrip/> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

There are no further elements inside <individualtrip/>.

Example: see < divetrip>

8.131 <indoor>

Inside <indoor> accurate information is given about man made inshore waters (for example the Tauch-Gasometer in the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord in Germany).

The <indoor> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <indoor> are: < notes>, < address>, < contact>, and < notes>

Example: (see also < sitedata>)

        <name>monte mare</name>
            <street>Münstereifeler Straße 69</street>

8.132 <inputprofiledescent>

Inside <inputprofiledescent> exact information concerning a descent profile (see also < calculateprofile>) is given, for which an ascent profile is to be calculated.

The <inputprofiledescent> element stands inside < profile>.

The only element inside <inputprofiledescent> is < depth>.

Examples: (see also < profile>)

        <!-- every dive begins at 0 min at the surface! :-) -->
        <t>  0.0</t><d>  0.0</d>
        <!-- a simple profile: -->
        <!-- descent within 5 min to 100 m -->
        <!-- at this depth it is planned to stay 10 min -->
        <!-- now the ascent begins, for which the software calculates a profile -->

        <!-- every dive begins at 0 min at the surface! :-) -->
        <t>   0.0</t><d> 0.0</d>
        <!-- descent within 5 min to 80 m -->
        <t> 300.0</t><d>80.0</d>
        <!-- stay 5 min at a depth of 80 m -->
        <t> 600.0</t><d>80.0</d>
        <!-- moving up to 70 m within 1 min -->
        <t> 660.0</t><d>70.0</d>
        <!-- remaining at 70m for 5 min -->
        <t> 960.0</t><d>70.0</d>
        <!-- moving dayofweekn to 75 m in 1 min-->
        <!-- stay at 75 m for another 10 min -->
        <!-- now the ascent begins, for which the software calculates a profile -->

8.133 <instructor>

Inside <instructor> information about the dive instructor is given, who issued the level.

The <instructor> element stands inside < certification>.

Elements inside <instructor> are: < firstname>, < middlename>, < lastname>, < title>, < sex>, < birthdate>, < address>, and < contact>.

Example: (see also < certification>)

        <!-- here information about the diving level, and the organization -->
                <!-- date of birthdate not known -> statements omitted -->
                <!-- address not known -> statements omitted -->
                <!-- phone number unknown -> <phone> element omitted -->
        <!-- here follow statements about the issue date -->

8.134 <invertebrata>

Innerhalb <invertebrata> werden alle gesichteten Wirbellosen aufgelistet. Die Sektion ist in weitere Elemente unterteilt.

Das <invertebrata>-Element steht innerhalb von < fauna>.

Es gibt ein <invertebratavarious>-Element - falls die Zuordnung eines Wirbellosen zu den Elementen dieser Sektion nicht bekannt ist, muß es dort aufgeführt werden.

Siehe auch < vertebrata>.

Elemente innerhalb <invertebrata> sind: < porifera>, < coelenterata>, < cnidaria>, < ctenophora>, < plathelminthes>, < bryozoa>, < phoronidea>, < ascidiacea>, < echinodermata>, < mollusca>, < crustacea> und < vertebrata>.

Siehe auch < vertebrata>.

Beispiel: (siehe auch < fauna>)

            <!-- hier gesichtete Schwämme -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Hohltiere -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Nesseltiere -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Rippenquallen -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Plattwürmer -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Moostiere -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Hufeisenwürmer -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Seescheiden -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Stachelhäuter -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Weichtiere -->
            <!-- hier gesichtete Krebstiere -->
            <!-- hier alle anderen gesichteten Invertebraten, die oben nicht erfaßt werden -->

8.135 <invertebratavarious>

Innerhalb <invertebratavarious> werden alle gesichteten Wirbellosen aufgelistet, die keiner der anderen in UDDF bekannten Ordnungen (< porifera>, < coelenterata>, < cnidaria>, < ctenophora>, < plathelminthes>, < bryozoa>, < phoronidea>, < ascidiacea>, < echinodermata>, < mollusca> und < crustacea>) zugeordnet werden können.

Das <invertebratavarious>-Element steht innerhalb von < invertebrata>.

Elemente innerhalb <invertebratavarious> sind: < species>

Siehe auch < invertebrata> und < vertebrata>.

Beispiel: siehe < invertebrata>)

8.136 <insurance>

Inside <insurance> information about a certain (diving) insurance is given.

The <insurance> element stands inside < diveinsurances> and can be repeated any times.

Elements inside <insurance> are: < name>, < issuedate>, < validdate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < owner>, and < buddy>)

            <dayofweek>2</dayofweek>              <!-- Tuesday -->

8.137 <issuedate>

Inside <issuedate> the date of issue of a level is given.

The <issuedate> element stands inside < certification>.

Elements inside <issuedate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek>.

Example: (see also < certification>)

        <year>2003</year><month>3</month><day>2</day><dayofweek>7</dayofweek> <!-- Sunday -->

8.138 <knife>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this knife

Inside <knife> data concerning a knife used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment>-Sektion. As many <knife> elements as needed can follow one after the other.

Elements inside <knife> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <knife id="sharp_thing">
            <name>Titanium Knife</name>
            <manufacturer>Softy Company</manufacturer>
                <price currency="DM">160.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Terminal</shop>
            <!-- no dictated service interval -->


At any place comments can be inserted. A comment begins with the characters "<!--", and ends with "-->". In-between arbitrary characters can be used (also wordwrap).

Example: <!-- This is a comment. -->

8.140 <lake>

Inside <lake> information concerning a lake dived is given.

The <lake> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <lake> are: < name> und < notes>

Example: see < sitedata>

8.141 <language>

Inside <language> the native language of a person is given.

The <language> element stands inside < contact>.

There are no further elements inside <language>.

Example: see < contact>

8.142 <lastname>

Inside <lastname> a person's last name is given.

The <lastname> element stands inside < personal>.

There are no further elements inside <lastname>.

Example: see < personal>

8.143 <latitude>

With <latitude> the latitude of a dive spot is put into brackets (as a real number). A positive sign (, or no one) indicates an eastern latitude, whereas a minus sign indicates a western latitude.

The <latitude> element stands inside < geography>.

There are no further elements inside <latitude>.

Example: see < geography>

8.144 <launchingdate>

Inside <launchingdate> the launching date of a ship (now a wreck) is given.

The <launchingdate> element stands inside < built>.

Elements inside <launchingdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek>. If <launchingdate> is given, at least the < year> element must occur, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> are optional.

Example: see < built>, < wreck>

8.145 <lead>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this lead

Inside <lead> information concerning lead used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <lead> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <lead> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes> (even if not all make sense in this context :-) ).

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <lead id="my_lead">
                    <year>1967</year><month>7</month><day>9</day><dayofweek>7</dayofweek> <!-- Sunday -->
                <price currency="DM">6.00</price>
            <!-- kein Serviceinterval -->

8.146 <length>

With <length> the length of a ship (now a wreck) is put into brackets.

The <length> element stands inside < dimension>.

There are no further elements inside <length>.

Example: see < dimension>, and < wreck>

8.147 <lens>

<lens> indicates a lens used with a photo, or video camera.

<lens> stands inside the < camera> section, or the < videocamera> section.

Elements inside <lens> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: see < camera>

8.148 <level>

With <level> a dive level is put into brackets, for example Bronze, Silver, Gold, or OWD, AOWD, Divemaster etc.

The <level> element stands inside < certification>.

There are no further elements inside <level>.

Example: see < certification>

8.149 <light>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this unterwater light

Inside <light> appears information concerning an underwater light used.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <light> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <light> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <light id="my_uwlight">
            <name>Sun Under Water</name>
            <model>Bright Light</model>
                <price currency="DM">100.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Now</shop>

8.150 <lightintensity>

Attribute: lux=measured light intensity in Lux (given as a real number)

Klammert die festgestellte Lichtintensität an einem Ausschnitt des Tauchplatzes (z.B. dem Standort eines sessilen Tieres). Erlaubte Werte sind hier: 0 - nicht ermittelt, 1 - Sonne, 2 - Halbschatten, 3 - Schatten, 4 - kein Licht vorhanden (z.B. in einer Höhle). Als Attribut kann <lightintensity> der genaue, gemessene Wert der Lichtintensität beigefügt werden.

<lightintensity> stands inside < dive>, or < species>.

There are no further elements inside <lightintensity>.

See also < globallightintensity>.

Example: (see also < sitedata>)

    <!-- sunny dive spot, no shadows given -->

8.151 <lingo>

With <lingo> the output language is set. The coding of the output language consists of two letters according to ISO 639 code (see Code for the Representation of the Names of Languages. From ISO 639, revised 1989.) If the element is not given, or the executing software doesn't support these language, by default English output is generated. For example, "common" languages and their codes are:

    English    - en
    Spanish    - es
    German     - de
    French     - fr
    Italian    - it
    Russian    - ru
    Portuguese - pt
    Swedish    - sv

The <lingo> element stands inside < output> and may appear only once. See also < filename>, < fileformat>, < headline>, and < remark>.

There are no further elements inside <lingo>.

Examples: (see also < output>)

    <!-- English -->

    <!-- German -->

    <!-- Spanish -->

    <!-- Greek -->

    <!-- Quechua :-) -->

8.152 <location>

Inside <location> the description of the dive spot is denoted.

The <location> element stands inside < geography>.

There are no further elements inside <location>.

Example: see < geography>

8.153 <profiledata>

Inside the <profiledata> section the description of single dives profile data as well as all other specific information concerning individual dives (logbook entries, equipment used, breathing gases, tank pressure at beginning, and end of dive, breathing gas consumption value etc.) are given.

The <profiledata> section stands after < gasdefinitions> and before < tablegeneration>.

The only element within <profiledata> is < repetitiongroup> which can be repeated any times.

Example: (see also < repetitiongroup>)

    <uddf version="2.1.0">
        <!-- here other sections -->
            <!-- here definitions of breathing gases used during the following dives -->
                <!-- the first dive within a <repetitiongroup> section should have an infinite surface interval -->
                    <!-- more dive data -->
                <!-- all following dives in a <repetitiongroup> show a finite surface interval -->
                    <!-- more dive data -->
                    <!-- description of next dive -->
                <!-- here more dives can appear -->
                <!-- the first dive within a <repetitiongroup> section should have an infinite surface interval -->
                    <!-- more dive data -->
                <!-- here more dives (every one with a finite surface interval) -->
            <!-- here can follow more <repetitiongroup> sections -->
            <!-- here more definitions for the calculation of tables (for example -->
            <!-- on the basis of under </profiledata> given dive profile data) -->

8.154 <longitude>

Within <longitude> the longitude of the dive spot is given as a real number. A positive sign (or none) indicates a northern longitude, a negative sign describes a southern one, respectively.

The <longitude> element stands inside < geography>.

There are no further elements inside <longitude>.

Example: see < geography>

8.155 <lowesttemperature>

The lowest water temperature during a dive, if known. If unknown, the field <lowesttemperature> is skipped. The temperature is given as a real number, the SI unit is Kelvin.

Stands inside the < dive> section.


    <!-- lowest water temperature 12 degrees Celsius -->

8.156 <mammalia>

Inside <mammalia> all mammals seen are listed.

The <mammalia> element stands inside < vertebrata>.

There are no further elements inside <mammalia>.

Example: see < vertebrata>, and < fauna>

8.157 <manufacturer>

Within <manufacturer> the manufacturer of a product is given.

Stands inside an equipment section (see < buoyancycontroldevice>, < boots>, < camera>, < compass>, < compressor>, < divecomputer>, < fins>, < gloves>, < knife>, < lead>, < light>, < mask>, < rebreather>, < regulator>, < scooter>, < suit>, < tank>, < variouspieces>, < videocamera>, and < watch>).

Example: see < buoyancycontroldevice>, e.g.

8.158 <marina>

Inside <marina> the marina is given where the yacht is lying.

Stands within < vessel>.

Example: see < vessel>

8.159 <mask>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this mask used

Inside <mask> information about a mask used is put into brackets.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <mask> elements can be given (for the sake of readability one after the other).

Elements inside <mask> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <mask id="my_mask">
            <name>clear sight</name>
            <!-- no serial number to find -->
                <price currency="DM">20.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Terminal</shop>
            <!-- no serviceinterval -->

8.160 <maximumascendingrate>

With <maximumascendingrate> the maximum ascent rate in metres per second (not metres per minute! - the conversion into other units is to be done by the processing software) is put into brackets as a real number.

The <maximumascendingrate> element stands inside < profile> (in so far as a calculation of an ascent profile is to be done), or < table> (if it's the maximum ascent rate to be used for table generation).

There are no further elements inside <maximumascendingrate>.

Examples: (see also < profile>, and < table>)

    <!-- 10 m/min ^= 0.1666... m/s -->

8.161 <maximumdepth>

Inside <maximumdepth> the maximum depth in metres of the dive spot is put into brackets (not the greatest depth reached during a specific dive - see < greatestdepth>!). See also < arealength>, < areawidth>, and < minimumdepth>.

The <maximumdepth> element stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <maximumdepth>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.162 <maximumpo2>

Gibt den - mehr oder weniger willkürlich gewählten - Grenzwert des Sauerstoff-Partialdrucks an, ab dem der Sauerstoff-Gehalt dieses Atemgases giftig wird. Die Angabe erfolgt als reelle Zahl mit einer Nachkommastelle. Gebräuchliche Werte liegen zwischen 1.4 und 1.7.

Stands inside the < mix>-Sektion. Wenn <maximumpo2> angegeben wird, darf < maximumoperationdepth> nicht ebenfalls aufgeführt werden, da sich über die Angabe von <maximumpo2> die MOD (Maximum Operation Depth - maximale Einsatztiefe) ergibt.

There are no further elements inside <maximumpo2>.

Example: (see also < mix> bzw. < gasdefinitions>)


8.163 <medical>

Inside <medical> medical data are stored.

The <medical> element stands inside < owner>, and < buddy>.

At time the only element inside <medical> is: < examination> which can be repeated any times.

Example: see < owner>, and < buddy>

8.164 <meteringmethod>

Within <meteringmethod> the metering method used for a certain photo is put into brackets. Allowed values are spot (spot metering), centerweighted (center-weighted metering), matrix (matrix metering).

<meteringmethod> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <meteringmethod>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focallength>, < focusdistance>, < shutterspeed>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Example: (see also < image>)

    <!-- spot metering -->

8.165 <middlename>

Inside <middlename> the second Christian name of a person is given.

The <middlename> element stands inside < personal>.

There are no further elements inside <middlename>.

Example: see < personal>

8.166 <minimumdepth>

Inside <minimumdepth> the minimum depth in metres of the dive spot is put into brackets. See also < arealength>, < areawidth>, and < maximumdepth>.

The <minimumdepth> element stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <minimumdepth>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.167 <minute>

The minutes of an hour, at what time the dive was undertaken, or the profile was generated by a software. <minute> is given as an integer.

Stands inside < time>. The order < hour>, <minute> is compulsory.

Example: see < time>

8.168 <mix>

The information put into brackets within <mix> define a breathing gas used. If more than one breathing gas is used, several <mix> sections follow one after the other.

Within following < tankdata> sections cross-references can be made to breathing gases defined here.

The elements describing the breathing gas used unambiguously are the following: < name>, < o2>, < n2>, < he>, < ar>, < h2>, < priceperlitre>, < maximumpo2>, < maximumoperationdepth>, and < equivalentairdepth>.

Stands inside the < gasdefinitions> section.

Example: (see also < gasdefinitions>)

    <mix id="air">
        <priceperlitre currency="EUR">0.50</priceperlitre>
        <!-- using the information of the MOD the maximum tolerable PO2 can be -->
        <!-- calculated, therefore the latter need not to be given here -->

8.169 <mixchangeascent>

The < depth> statements put into brackets within <mixchangeascent> define the breathing gases to be used in different depths during ascent.

The only element inside <mixchangeascent> is: < depth>.

Stands within < profile>.

Example: (see also < profile>)

        <!-- change of breathing gas during descent -->
            <!-- beginning the dive with air -->
            <d> 0.0</d><switchmix>Air</switchmix>
            <!-- at a depth of 35 m switch to 1. Trimix mix -->
            <!-- at a depth of 50 m switch to 2. Trimix mix -->
            <!-- at 80 m switch to Heliox -->
        <!-- change of breathing gas during following ascent -->
            <d> 5.0</d><switchmix>Sauerstoff</switchmix>

8.170 <mobilephone>

Inside <mobilephone> the number of a mobilephone is given.

The <mobilephone> element stands inside < contact>.

There are no further elements inside <mobilephone>.

Example: see < contact>

8.171 <maximumoperationdepth>

Defines the maximum operation depth (MOD) of a breathing gas, given as a real number.

Stands inside the < mix> section. Giving <maximumoperationdepth> excludes the use of < maximumpo2>, because <maximumoperationdepth> and the composing of the breathing gas define < maximumpo2>.

There are no further elements inside <maximumoperationdepth>.

Example: (see also < mix>, or < gasdefinitions>)

    <-- 40.0 metre maximum operation depth -->

8.172 <model>

Inside <model> the model name of an equipment component is given.

Stands within one of the elements inside the < equipment> section (see < buoyancycontroldevice>, < boots>, < camera>, < compass>, < compressor>, < divecomputer>, < fins>, < gloves>, < knife>, < lead>, < light>, < mask>, < rebreather>, < regulator>, < scooter>, < suit>, < tank>, < variouspieces>, < videocamera>, and < watch>).

Example: see < buoyancycontroldevice>

8.173 <mollusca>

Inside <mollusca> all molluscs seen are listed.

The <mollusca> element stands inside < fauna>.

There are no further elements inside <mollusca>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.174 <month>

Defines the month when a dive was undertaken, or profile was generated by a software. <month> is given as an integer from 1 through 12, respectively.

Stands inside < date>. The sequence < year>, <month>, < day>, < dayofweek> is compulsory.

Example: see < date>

8.175 <n2>

Defines the nitrogen fraction of a breathing gas, given as a real number less or equal 1.0 in percent (of volume).

Stands inside the < mix> section. The sequence used in the example below should be compulsory.


    <mix id="alfreds_nitrox">
        <!-- 37,5 % oxygen fraction -->
        <!-- 62,5 % nitrogen fraction -->
        <!-- no further components -->

8.176 <name>

Inside <name> wird allgemein ein Name (z.B. eines Ausrüstungsteiles, eines Geschäftes oder eines Tauchplatzes) angegeben.

The <name> element steht innerhalb verschiedener Sektionen, aber es steht immer an erster Stelle.

There are no further elements inside <name>.

Example: see z.B. < equipment>, < shop> < site>

8.177 <nationality>

Mit <nationality> wird die Nationalität des Wracks geklammert.

The <nationality> element stands inside < wreck> an dritter Stelle nach < shiptype> und vor < built>.

There are no further elements inside <nationality>.

Example: see < wreck>

8.178 <nextservicedate>

Inside <nextservicedate> wird das Datum der nächsten Wartung des Ausrüstungsteiles angegeben.

Steht innerhalb einem in der < equipment> section aufgeführten Ausrüstungsteil.

Elements inside <nextservicedate> are: < year>, < month>, < day> und < dayofweek> (in genau dieser Reihenfolge).

Example: see < equipment> und dort aufgeführte Ausrüstungsteil-Sektionen

8.179 <notes>

Inside <notes> können zusätzliche Daten, wie z.B. Anmerkungen (Text), Verweise zu Heimseiten und/oder Fotos angegeben werden.

The <notes> element steht innerhalb verschiedener Sektionen (z.B. < owner>, < buddy>, < site>) an letzter Stelle.

Elements inside <notes> are: < audio>, < video>, < text> und < image>.

Example: see < owner>, < buddy> < site>

8.180 <o2>

Gibt den Sauerstoff-Anteil des Atemgases an. Die Angabe erfolgt als (Volumen-)Prozentangabe, wobei die Prozentangabe als reelle Zahl kleiner oder gleich 1.0 erfolgt.

Stands inside the < mix> section nach < name> und vor < n2>.

Example: (see also < mix>)

    <mix id="alfreds_nitrox">mein_nitrox</mix>
        <!-- 37,5% Sauerstoff-Gehalt -->
        <!-- 62,5% Stickstoff-Gehalt -->
        <!-- keine weiteren Atemgasbestandteile -->

8.181 <objectname>

Inside <objectname> the name of a picture, or audio, or video file respectively, is put into brackets. Paths are to be given in Unix notation with a slash "/" as divisor between directories. It is both possible to give either an absolute path, or a relative one respectively.

<objectname> stands inside the < audio>, the < image>, or the < video> section.

There are no further elements inside <objectname>.

See also < imagedata>, < audio>, and < video>.

Examples: (see alao < image>)

    <!-- a relative path -->

    <!-- an absolute path (Windows world) -->

    <!-- absolute path (Unix world) - example 1 -->

    <!-- absolute path (Unix world) - example 2 -->

    <!-- the image is to be found in the same directory as the UDDF file (absolute path) -->

8.182 <observations>

Inside <observations> können verschiedene während des Tauchgangs gemachte Beobachtungen aufgeführt werden.

Stands inside the < dive> section als letztes Element.

Elements inside <observations> are: < fauna>, < flora> und < students>.


                    <!-- hier alle während dieses TGs beobachteten Tiere -->
                    <!-- hier alle während des TGs gesehenen Pflanzen -->
                    <!-- hier Vermerke zu Tauchschülern -->

8.183 <operator>

Inside <operator> werden Daten zum Reiseveranstalter der Tauchfahrt angegeben.

<operator> stands inside < divetrip>-Sektion nach < organizedtrip/> und vor < notes>.

Elements inside <operator> are: < name>, < address>, < contact> und < rating> und < notes> (in dieser Reihenfolge),

Example: (see also < divetrip>)

        <name>Sunrise Tours</name>
            <!-- Adresse des Reiseveranstalters -->
            <!-- EMail-Adresse, Homepage des Reiseveranstalters -->
            <text>nie mehr wieder!!!</text>

8.184 <organization>

Mit <organization> wird der Tauchverband angegeben, bei dem die entsprechende Brevetierung erfolgte.

The <organization> element stands inside < certification> nach < level> und vor < instructor>.

There are no further elements inside <organization>.

Example: see < certification>

8.185 <organizedtrip/>

Der Schalter <organizedtrip/> gibt an, daß es sich um eine organisierte Tauchfahrt (Pauschalreise o.ä.) handelt.

<organizedtrip/> stands inside < divetrip>-Sektion vor < accommodation> oder < vessel>.

There are no further elements inside <organizedtrip/>.

Example: see < divetrip>

8.186 <osteichthyes>

Inside <osteichthyes> werden alle gesichteten Knochenfische aufgelistet.

The <osteichthyes> element stands inside < vertebrata> an zweiter Stelle nach < chondrichthyes> und vor < mammalia>

There are no further elements inside <osteichthyes>.

Example: see < vertebrata> und < fauna>

8.187 <output>

Inside <output> werden Vorgaben zum Erstellen einer Ausgabedatei gemacht.

The <output> element stands inside < calculatebottomtimetable>, < calculateprofile> oder < calculatetable>.

Elements inside <output> sind < lingo>, < fileformat>, < filename>, < headline> und < remark>.

Examples: (siehe z.B. auch < calculatetable>)

        <!-- englisch als Ausgabesprache -->
        <!-- die Dateiendung (Extension) darf nicht angegeben werden, da sie -->
        <!-- durch das in der Zeile darüber spezifizierte Format festgelegt ist -->
        <headline>Kais Spezial-Austauchtabelle</headline>
            Die beste Austauchtabelle, die jemals gerechnet wurde!!! ;-)

    <!-- Da das Format nicht vorgegeben wird, wird standardmäßig ASCII-Output erzeugt, -->
    <!-- die Dateiendung ist damit auf ".txt" festgelegt und darf unter <filename> -->
    <!-- nicht zusätzlich angegeben werden! -->
        <!-- deutsch als Ausgabesprache -->
        <headline>Alfons tolle Dekotabelle</headline>

    <!-- nur die Sprache (italienisch) wird vorgegeben; die Ausgabe erfolgt im, -->
    <!-- ASCII-Format, der Dateiname wird vom erzeugenden Programm automatisch -->
    <!-- gesetzt (mit der Endung ".txt" -->

8.188 <owner>

Attribute: id=unique identifier des Besitzers der UDDF-Datei (Dieses Attribute dient dazu, beim Datenimport aus einer UDDF-Datei in eine andere den Besitzer der importierten Datei nun als Tauchpartner eindeutig zuweisen zu können.)

Inside des <owner> elementes werden sämtliche Daten des Besitzers angegeben. Es darf nur ein (1) <owner> element innerhalb der < diver> section stehen. <owner> muß das erste Element innerhalb < diver> sein.

Elements inside <owner> are: < personal>, < address>, < passport>, < contact>, < medical>, < certification>, < divepermissions>, < diveinsurances> und < notes>.


8.189 <passedtime>

Das Oberflächenintervall zwischen zwei aufeinander folgenden Tauchgängen.

Ist der folgende Tauchgang ein ,,Wiederholungs-Tauchgang`` (Gewebe noch nicht vollständig entsättigt), so wird das Oberflächenintervall in Sekunden als reelle Zahl mit einer Nachkommastelle angegeben. Sind die Gewebe bei dem nachfolgenden Tauchgang dagegen vollständig entsättigt, so wird das Schlüsselwort ,,infinity`` von <passedtime> eingeklammert.

Die Anweisung stands inside < surfaceinterval>-Sektion als erste Anweisung.

Beispiele (weiteres Beispiel siehe < surfaceinterval>):

    <!-- Oberflächenintervall 36 Minuten: -->

    <!-- Gewebe vollständig entsättigt: -->

8.190 <passport>

Inside <passport> können Daten zur Nationalität angegeben werden.

The <personal> element stands inside < owner> und < buddy> an beliebiger Stelle.

Elements inside <passport> are:

Example: see < owner> und < buddy>

8.191 <pend>

End-Fülldruck der Flasche in Pascal nach Beendigung des Tauchgangs.

Steht (falls angegeben) innerhalb der optionalen < tankdata> section als letzte Anweisung nach < pstart>.

Example: see < tankdata>

8.192 <period> ... <period>

Mit <period> wird die Dauer in Sekunden des vom Tauchcomputer zu einem bestimmten Ereignis zu gebenden Alarms festgelegt. Das Alarmsignal - mittels < alarmtype> vorgegeben - braucht nicht quittiert zu werden.

Ein Alarm, der quittiert werden soll, muß mittels des < acknowledge/>-Schalters gekennzeichnet werden.

Wird weder <acknowledge/> noch <period> angegeben, erzeugt der Tauchcomputer das Alarmsignal eine bestimmte Zeit lang; eine Quittierung ist dann nicht nötig.

<period> stands inside < dcalarm>.

There are no further elements inside <period>.

Example: see < dcalarm>

8.193 <permit>

Inside <permit> werden Daten bzgl. einer bestimmten Taucherlaubnis angegeben.

The <permit> element stands inside < divepermissions> und kann dort beliebig oft wiederholt werden.

Elements inside <permit> are: < name>, < region>, < issuedate>, < validdate> und < notes>.

Example: (see also < owner> und < buddy>)

        <issuedate>                        <!-- Ausstellungsdatum -->
        <validdate>                        <!-- Gültigkeitsdatum -->

8.194 <personal>

Inside <personal> können Name(n), etwaige Titel sowie Geschlecht und Geburtsdatum angegeben werden.

The <personal> element stands inside < owner> und < buddy> als erstes Element.

Elements inside <personal> are: < firstname>, < middlename>, < lastname>, < title>, < sex> und < birthdate>.

Example: (see also < owner> und < buddy>)


8.195 <pfill>

Gibt den Flaschenfülldruck in Pascal als reelle Zahl an - wird benötigt für die Berechnung einer ,,Maximale Grundzeit''-Tabelle (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>).

<pfill> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope> nach < tankvolumestep> und vor < preserve>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- Fülldruck der Flaschen 200 bar ^= 2 * 10^7 Pa-->

8.196 <phaeophyceae>

Inside <phaeophyceae> werden alle gesichteten bzw. gesammelten und später bestimmten Braunalgen aufgelistet.

The <phaeophyceae> element stands inside < flora> an zweiter Stelle nach < rhodophyceae> und vor < chlorophyceae>.

There are no further elements inside <phaeophyceae>.

Example: see < flora>

8.197 <phone>

Inside <phone> wird die Telefonnummer einer Person angegeben.

The <phone> element stands inside < contact> nach < language> und vor < email>.

There are no further elements inside <phone>.

Example: see < contact>

8.198 <phoronidea>

Inside <phoronidea> werden alle gesichteten phoronids aufgelistet.

The <phoronidea> element stands inside < fauna> als siebtes Element nach < bryozoa> und vor < ascidiacea>.

There are no further elements inside <phoronidea>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.199 <plathelminthes>

Inside <plathelminthes> werden alle gesichteten flatworms aufgelistet.

The <plathelminthes> element stands inside < fauna> als fünftes Element nach < ctenophora> und vor < bryozoa>.

There are no further elements inside <plathelminthes>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.200 <porifera>

Inside <porifera> werden alle gesichteten bzw. gesammelten und später bestimmten Schwämme aufgelistet.

The <porifera> element stands inside < fauna> erstes Element und vor < coelenterata>.

There are no further elements inside <porifera>.

Example: see < fauna>

8.201 <postcode>

Inside <postcode> wird die Postleitzahl einer Stadt angegeben.

<postcode> steht innerhalb < address> nach < city> und vor < country>.

There are no further elements inside <postcode>.

Example: see < address>

8.202 <preserve>

Gibt den Reservedruck in der Flasche (also den Restdruck, der am Ende eines Tauchgangs mindestens noch in der Flasche sein soll) in Pascal als reelle Zahl an - wird für die Berechnung einer ,,Maximale Grundzeit''-Tabelle benötigt.

<preserve> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope> nach < pfill> als letztes Element.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- Reservedruck 40 bar ^= 4 * 10^6 Pa-->

8.203 <price>

Attribute: currency=eindeutiger Bezeichner einer Währung (sollte drei Buchstaben lang sein)

Mit <price> wird der Preis eines Ausrüstungsteiles als reelle Zahl mit zwei Nachkommastellen geklammert.

The <price> element stands inside < purchase> nach < date> und vor < shop> (sofern angegeben).

There are no further elements inside <price>.

Example: see < purchase>

8.204 <pricedivepackage>

1. Attribute: currency=eindeutiger Bezeichner einer Währung (sollte drei Buchstaben lang sein)

2. Attribute: noofdives=Anzahl der Tauchgänge, für die dieser Sonderpreis gilt

Mit <pricedivepackage> wird der Preis als reelle Zahl mit zwei Nachkommastellen für ein Tauchpaket bei einer Tauchbasis geklammert.

The <pricedivepackage> element stands inside < divebase> nach < priceperdive> und vor der Auflistung der Guides (sofern angegeben).

There are no further elements inside <pricedivepackage>.

Example: see < divebase>

8.205 <priceperdive>

Attribute: currency=eindeutiger Bezeichner einer Währung (sollte drei Buchstaben lang sein)

Mit <priceperdive> wird der Preis als reelle Zahl mit zwei Nachkommastellen für einen (1) Tauchgang bei einer Tauchbasis geklammert.

The <priceperdive> element stands inside < divebase> nach < contact> und vor < pricedivepackage> (falls dieses Element aufgeführt wird).

There are no further elements inside <priceperdive>.

Example: see < divebase>

8.206 <priceperlitre>

Attribute: currency=eindeutiger Bezeichner einer Währung (sollte drei Buchstaben lang sein)

Mit <priceperlitre> wird der Preis als reelle Zahl mit zwei Nachkommastellen für einen (1) Liter eines Atemgases geklammert.

The <priceperlitre> element stands inside < mix> nach < ar> und vor < maximumpo2> (falls diese Elemente aufgeführt werden).

There are no further elements inside <priceperlitre>.

Example: (see also < mix>)

    <priceperlitre currency="EUR">1.20</priceperlitre>

8.207 <profile>

Attribute: id=eindeutiger Bezeichner dieses Profiles

Inside der <profile> section werden die Parameter zur Erzeugung eines bestimmten Aufstiegsprofiles geklammert.

<profile> steht als einziges Element innerhalb < calculateprofile> und kann dort beliebig oft wiederholt werden.

Elements inside <profile> are: < diveref>, < surfaceinterval>, < density>, < output>, < program>, < maximumascendingrate>, < mixchangeascent>, < inputprofiledescent>, < deepstoptime> und < decomodel>.

Example: (see also < tablegeneration>)

        <profile id="beispiel_profil">
                <!-- 1. TG - kein Wiederholungs-Tauchgang -->
            <!-- Süßwasser -->
                <headline>Ron's 100 m Trimix Deep Dive</headline>
                    This is an ascent profile especially generated for Ron's 100 m
                    Trimix Dive on Sunday.
                <!-- Atemgaswechsel beim Abstieg -->
                    <!-- Beginn des TGs mit Nitrox NOAA I (32 % O2, 68 % N2) -->
                    <d> 0.0</d><switchmix>noaa1</switchmix>
                    <!-- auf 35 m Tiefe Wechsel auf das Trimix-Gemisch -->
                    <!-- auf 80 m Tiefe Wechsel auf Heliox -->
                <!-- Atemgaswechsel beim nachfolgenden Aufstieg -->
                    <d> 5.0</d><switchmix>oxygen</switchmix>
            <!-- Vorgabe des Abstiegs-Profiles, auf dessen Grundlage das Aufstiegsprofil berechnet werden soll -->
                <!-- jeder Tauchgang beginnt bei 0 min an der Oberfläche! :-) -->
                <t>  0.0</t><d>  0.0</d>
                <!-- einfaches Profil: -->
                <!-- Abstieg innerhalb von 5 min auf 100 m -->
                <!-- auf der Tiefe soll 10 min verblieben werden -->
                <!-- jetzt beginnt der Aufstieg, für den die Software das Profil berechnet -->

8.208 <program>

Klammerung von zusätzlichen, Programm-spezifischen Informationen, die zur Auswertung der Gewebesättigung notwendig sind bzw. Programm-interne Parameter zur grafischen Darstellung der Daten.

Ein UDDF-Parser wertet die Daten zwischen <program> und </program> nicht aus, sondern gibt sie ohne jede weitere Bearbeitung an das rufende Programm weiter. Damit wird es Programmen ermöglicht spezifische Meta-Informationen abzulegen, die UDDF nicht bekannt sind. Die einzige Konvention ist, daß jedes Programm seine Meta-Informationen mit <program> </program> klammert.

Anmerkung für Programmierer: bitte dokumentiert, in welcher Form ihr eure Daten zur Gewebesättigung oder andere wichtige Parameter kodiert, damit sie von anderen Programmen korrekt gelesen und weiterverarbeitet werden können!

Zur Zeit werden folgende Elemente verwendet: < datatrak>, < tausim>.

<program> stands inside < dive>-Sektion vor der < samples>-Sektion.

Example: see < datatrak> und < tausim>

8.209 <province>

Mit <province> wird die Bezeichnung der Provinz oder eines Bundeslandes usw. geklammert.

The <province> element stands inside < geography> an zweiter Stelle nach < location> und vor < country> (falls dieses Element aufgeführt wird).

There are no further elements inside <province>.

Example: see < geography>

8.210 <pstart>

Anfangs-Fülldruck in Pascal der Flasche.

Stands inside the optionalen < tankdata> section nach < tankvolume> (falls angegeben) und vor < pend> (falls angegeben).

Im Gegensatz zu < tankvolume> oder < pend>, die wahlweise angegeben werden können, muß <pstart> immer in der < tankdata> section erscheinen, weil ohne diese Information keine Atemgas-Verbrauchsrechnung durchgeführt werden kann.

Example: see < tankdata>

8.211 <purchase>

Inside <purchase> erfolgen die Angaben zum Kauf eines verwendeten Ausrüstungsteiles.

Steht innerhalb einer in der < equipment> section aufgeführten Ausrüstungsteil section nach < serialnumber> und vor < serviceinterval>.

Elements inside <purchase> are: < date>, < price> und < shop>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <price currency="EUR">16.95</price>
            <name>Wassersport-Freizeit Mader</name>
                <street>Kornstr. 24</street>

8.212 <quantity>

Indicates the (exact) number of a plant, or animal respectively, observed of this species. Contrarily, < abundance> has a more general character. <quantity> can be given alone or in addition with < abundance>, too.

<quantity> stands inside < species>.

There are no further elements inside <quantity>.

See also < abundance>, < species>.

Example: (see also < species>)

    <!-- 6 animals, or plants respectively, of this species observed -->

8.213 <rating>

Mit <rating> wird eine (mehr oder weniger) persönliche Bewertung der Qualität des Tauchplatzes geklammert - dies betrifft die allgemein hier vorzufindenden Bedingungen, nicht die bei einem speziellen Tauchgang an diesem Ort vorgefundenen. Die Bewertungsskala geht von ,,1'' (niedrigste Qualitätsstufe) bis ,,10'' (höchste Qualität).

The <rating> element stands inside < sitedata> nach < difficulty> und vor < notes> (falls diese Elemente aufgeführt werden).

There are no further elements inside <rating>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.214 <rebreather>

Attribute: id=unique identifier für dieses verwendete Kreislaufgerät

Inside <rebreather> erfolgen die Angaben zu einem verwendeten Kreislaufgerät.

Stands inside the < equipment>-Sektion nach < mask> und vor < regulator>. Es können mehrere <rebreather> elemente hintereinander aufgeführt werden.

Elements inside <rebreather> are: < name>, < manufacturer>. < model>, < serialnumber>. < purchase>, < serviceinterval>. < nextservicedate> und < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <rebreather id="kreisel">
            <name>Kreisel II</name>
                    <year>2004</year><month>11</month><day>13</day><dayofweek>6</dayofweek> <!-- Samstag -->
                <price currency="EUR">3000.00</price>
                <shop>will nicht genannt werden</shop>

8.215 <region>

Inside <region> wird die Region einer Taucherlaubnis angegeben.

The <region> element stands inside < permit> nach < name> und vor < issuedate>.

There are no further elements inside <region>.

Example: see < permit>

8.216 <regulator>

Attribute: id=unique identifier für diesen verwendeten Atemregler

Inside <regulator> erfolgen die Angaben zu einem verwendeten Atemregler.

Stands inside the < equipment>-Sektion nach < rebreather> und vor < scooter>. Es können mehrere <regulator> elemente hintereinander aufgeführt werden.

Elements inside <regulator> are: < name>, < manufacturer>. < model>, < serialnumber>. < purchase>, < serviceinterval>. < nextservicedate> und < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <regulator id="mein_bester_atemregler">
            <model>Saug viel - Gib wenig</model>
                    <year>1988</year><month>7</month><day>28</day><dayofweek>4</dayofweek> <!-- Donnerstag -->
                <price currency="DM">400.00</price>

8.217 <relateddives>

Inside <relateddives> werden alle Tauchgänge einer Tauchfahrt angegeben.

The <relateddives> element stands inside < trip> nach z.B. < divebase> oder < vessel> (hängt von der Art der Tauchfahrt ab) und vor < notes>.

Elements inside <relateddives> <diveref ref="eindeutiger Tauchgangs-Bezeichner">, siehe < dive>

Example: see < trip>

8.218 <remark>

Inside <remark> kann eine Beschreibung bzw. ein Kommentar für ein/e zu erzeugende/s Aufstiegsprofil bzw. eine Austauch- oder ,,Maximale Grundzeit''-Tabelle gegeben werden.

Steht innerhalb < output>.


    <!-- Anmerkung zu einer "Maximalen Grundzeit"-Tabelle -->
        Maximale Grundzeit in Minuten bei verschiedenen Flaschenvolumina, Tauchtiefen
        und Atemminutenvolumina (AMV) unter Berücksichtigung von notwendigen
        Dekompressionsstopps. ...

8.219 <repetitiongroup>

<repetitiongroup> puts dives into brackets which "belong together". "Belong together" means, all dives have a finite surface interval (except the first dive) and were made during a diving holiday e.g. The individual dives inside <repetitiongroup> are divided by < dive> elements.

Several <repetitiongroup> sections can appear one after the other inside an UDDF file. Inside a <repetitiongroup> section at least one < dive> element must be given. The first dive given inside <repetitiongroup> should have an "infinite" surface interval.


        <!-- all dives are grouped inside <repetitiongroup> -->
                <!-- here statements for the first dive -->
                <!-- (should have an "infinite" surface interval) -->
                <!-- here statements for the second dive -->
                <!-- (should have a finite surface interval) -->
                <!-- here statements for the third dive -->
                <!-- (should have a finite surface interval) -->
            <!-- here more dives can be placed -->
            <!-- here statements for further dives made -->

8.220 <reptilia>

Inside <reptilia> all seen reptiles are listed.

The <reptilia> element stands inside < vertebrata>.

There are no further elements inside <reptilia>.

Example: see < vertebrata>, and < fauna>

8.221 <rhodophyceae>

Inside <rhodophyceae> all seen, or gathered and later determined, red algae are listed.

The <rhodophyceae> element stands inside < flora>.

There are no further elements inside <rhodophyceae>.

Example: see < flora>

8.222 <river>

Inside <river> information concerning a river is given.

The <river> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <river> are: < notes>, and < notes>.

Example: see < sitedata>

8.223 <samples>

Inside <samples> the dive profile data (depth, time, temperature, breathing gas used) are given. Inside the first < depth> statement a switchmix attribute must be given to specify the breathing gas used.

The only element inside <samples> is < depth> with its attributes.

<samples> is the last section inside the < dive> section.

Example 1:

        <!-- previous statements -->
        <!-- Bei von Tauchsimulations-Programmen generierten -->
        <!-- Profilen werden normalerweise Zeit und Tiefe als -->
        <!-- Paar angegeben -->
            <!-- Bei Tauchgangsbeginn Atemgas ,,1`` (in der -->
            <!-- <gasdefinitions> section definiert) verwenden -->
            <!-- Ein Tauchgang beginnt immer bei 0 Sekunden -->
            <!-- und 0 Meter Tiefe! -->
            <!-- Wechsel zu Atemgas ,,2`` -->
            <!-- Ein Tauchgang endet immer an der Oberfläche -->
            <!-- bei 0 Meter Tiefe! -->
    <!-- hier können weitere Daten zu Tauchgängen folgen -->

Example 2:

        <!-- previous statements -->
        <!-- Tauchcomputer zeichnen mit konstantem Zeitintervall -->
        <!-- die Tiefen auf, deshalb kann eine zusätzliche -->
        <!-- Angabe der Zeit zu jeder Tiefe entfallen -->
            <!-- die Tiefen wurden in Intervallen von 20 Sekunden -->
            <!-- aufgezeichnet -->
            <!-- Bei Tauchgangsbeginn Luft als Atemgas verwenden  -->
            <!-- (in <gasdefinitions> section definiert) -->
            <!-- Ein Tauchgang beginnt immer bei 0 Sekunden -->
            <!-- und 0 Meter Tiefe! -->
            <d> 0.0</d>
            <d> 4.7</d>
            <d> 7.0</d>
            <!-- hier folgen weitere Tiefenangaben -->
            <d> 9.4</d>
            <d> 8.1</d>
            <d> 7.2</d>
            <d> 6.1</d>
            <d> 5.3</d>
            <d> 4.2</d><alarm>breath</alarm>
            <d> 3.4</d>
            <d> 3.6</d>
            <d> 4.1</d>
            <d> 3.6</d>
            <d> 2.8</d>
            <d> 2.7</d>
            <d> 2.0</d>
            <d> 1.1</d>
            <!-- Ein Tauchgang endet immer an der Oberfläche -->
            <!-- bei 0 Meter Tiefe! -->
    <!-- here more <dive> sections can follow -->

8.224 <scientificname>

Inside <scientificname> the scientific (latin) name of an animal or plant is given.

The <scientificname> element stands inside < species>.

There are no further elements inside <scientificname>.

Example: see < species>

8.225 <scooter>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this scooter used

Inside <scooter> information concerning a scooter used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <scooter> elements may appear one after the other.

Elements inside <scooter> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <scooter id="my_scooter">
                <price currency="DM">1000.00</price>

8.226 <serialnumber>

The serial number of an equipment part (see < buoyancycontroldevice>, < boots>, < camera>, < compass>, < compressor>, < divecomputer>, < fins>, < gloves>, < knife>, < lead>, < light>, < mask>, < rebreather>, < regulator>, < scooter>, < suit>, < tank>, < variouspieces>, < videocamera>, and < watch>).

<serialnumber> stands inside an equipment section (see above).

Example: see < buoyancycontroldevice>

8.227 <serviceinterval>

The service interval, given in days (as integer), when this part has to be serviced again.

Stands inside a specified part of equipment which is given inside the < equipment> section.

Example: see < equipment>, and there listed parts

8.228 <setdcaltitude>

With <setdcaltitude> the altitude in metres above sea level (given as a real number) can be set in the dive computer for the next dive. This element serves for an easy way to set the altitude for a dive spot in the dive computer without cross referencing to a previous made data base for this lake, or river.

There are no further elements inside <setdcaltitude>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

    <!-- altitude above sea level 450.0 m of dive spot-->
    <setdcaltitude>450.0 </setdcaltitude>

8.229 <setdcalarmtime>

With <setdcalarmtime> it is possible to set a - absolute (independent from dive time) - time when the dive computer shall give an alarm.

Elements inside <setdcalarmtime> are: < hour>, < minute>, and < dcalarm>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: see < setdcdata>

8.230 <setdcdata>

Inside the <setdcdata> section follows information concerning the configuration of a dive computer.

Elements inside <setdcdata> are: < setdcalarmtime>, < setdcdate>, < setdcdivetimealarm>, < setdcdivedepthalarm>, < setdctdivepo2alarm>, < setdcendndtalarm>, < setdcdecomodel>, < setdcaltitude>, and < setdcproprietarydata>.

Stands inside the < divecomputercontrol> section.

Example: (see also < divecomputercontrol>)

8.231 <setdcdate>

<setdcdate> sets the date in the dive computer.

Elements inside <setdcdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>

8.232 <setdcdecomodel>

Sets the decompression model to be used in the dive computer. This element is for future use.

Elements inside <setdcdecomodel> are: < setdcdecomodelname>

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.233 <setdcdecomodelname>

Puts the name of the decompression model to be used in the dive computer into brackets.

There are no further elements inside <setdcdecomodelname>.

Stands inside the < setdcdecomodel> section.

Example: see < setdcdecomodel>

8.234 <setdcdivedepthalarm>

With <setdcdivedepthalarm> a dive depth in metres (given as a real number) is set at which the dive computer shall give a certain alarm.

Elements inside <setdcdivedepthalarm> are: < dcalarmdepth>, and < dcalarm>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section. As many <setdcdivedepthalarm> elements as needed can appear one after the other to support different alarm signals at different dive depths.

See also < setdcdivepo2alarm>, and < setdcdivetimealarm>.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.235 <setdcdivepo2alarm>

<setdcdivepo2alarm> allows for setting an oxygen partial pressure at which the dive computer shall give an alarm signal.

Elements inside <setdcdivepo2alarm> are: < maximumpo2>, and < dcalarm>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section. As many <setdcdivepo2alarm> elements as needed can appear one after the other to support different alarm signals for different oxygen partial pressures.

See also < setdcdivedepthalarm>, < setdcdivetimealarm>, and < setdcendndtalarm>.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.236 <setdcdivetimealarm>

With <setdcdivetimealarm> the dive time in minutes is set when the dive computer shall give an alarm signal.

Elements inside <setdcdivetimealarm> are: < minute>, and < dcalarm>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section. As many <setdcdivetimealarm> elements as needed can appear one after the other to support different alarm signals at different dive times reached.

See also < setdcdivedepthalarm>, < setdcdivepo2alarm>, and < setdcendndtalarm>.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.237 <setdcendndtalarm>

<setdcendndtalarm> (,,set dive computer end no decompression time alarm``) tells the dive computer to give an alarm signal when the end of the no decompression time is reached.

The only element inside <setdcendndtalarm> is < dcalarm>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

See also < setdcdivedepthalarm>, < setdcdivepo2alarm>, and < setdcdivetimealarm>.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.238 <setdcproprietarydata>

Inside <setdcproprietarydata> proprietary data of a dive computer manufacturer can be given. The elements inside <setdcproprietarydata> are neglected by other dive computers.

<setdcproprietarydata> stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.239 <setdctime>

With <setdctime> the time of the dive computer is set.

Elements inside <setdctime> are: < hour>, and < minute>.

Stands inside the < setdcdata> section.

Example: (see also < setdcdata>)

8.240 <sex>

Inside <sex> the sex of a person is given.

The <sex> element stands inside < personal>.

There are no further elements inside <sex>.

Example: see < personal>

8.241 <shiptype>

With <shiptype> the type of a ship (now wreck) is put into brackets.

The <shiptype> element stands inside < wreck>, or inside < vessel>.

There are no further elements inside <shiptype>.

Example: see < wreck>

8.242 <shipyard>

With <shipyard> the shipyard where the ship (now wreck) was built is put into brackets.

The <shipyard> element stands inside < built>.

There are no further elements inside <shipyard>.

Example: see < built>, < wreck>

8.243 <shop>

Inside <shop> information is given where an equipment part was purchased.

The <shop> element stands inside < purchase>.

Elements inside <shop> are: < name>, < address>, < contact>, and < notes>.

Example: see < purchase>

8.244 <shore>

Inside <shore> follows information concerning a dive spot lying at the shore.

The <shore> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <shore> are: < notes> und < notes>

Example: see < sitedata>

8.245 <shutterspeed>

Within <shutterspeed> the shutterspeed [s] used for a photo is put into brackets.

<shutterspeed> stands inside < imagedata>.

There are no further elements inside <shutterspeed>.

See also < aperture>, < date>, < exposurecompensation>, < filmspeed>, < focallength>, < focusdistance>, < meteringmethod>, < time>, and < imagedata>.

Examples: (see also < image>)

    <!-- shutter speed 2 s -->

    <!-- shutter speed 1/125 s -->

    <!-- shutter speed 1/2000 s -->

8.246 <site>

Attribute: id=unique identifier of this dive spot

Inside <site> a dive spot is described.

The <site> element stands inside < divesite>.

Any number of <site> elements can appear one after the other inside the < divesite> section.

Elements inside <site> are: < name>, < geography>, < ecology>, < sitedata>, and < notes>.


8.247 <sitedata>

Inside <sitedata> information about the dive spot is given (salt oder fresh water, terrain, difficulty, personal ranking etc.).

The <sitedata> element stands inside < site>.

Elements inside <sitedata> are: < maximumdepth>, < density>, < terrain>, < bottom>, < difficulty>, < rating>, < wreck>, < lake>, < river>, < shore>, < cave>, and < indoor>.

Example: see < site>

8.248 <size>

Indicates the length of a plant, or animal watched. Given as a real number in metres.

<size> stands within < species>.

There are no further elements inside <size>.

See also < species>.

Examples: (see also < species>)

    <!-- size 7,5 m -->

    <!-- size 8 cm -->

8.249 <specialty>

Inside <specialty> the name of a specialty is put into brackets.

The <specialty> element stands inside < certification>.

There are no further elements inside <specialty>.

Example: (see also < certification>)


8.250 <species>

Attribut: id=unique identifier of this animal, or plant

Inside <species> information concerning a watched, or typically to be encountered animal, or plant respectively, at this dive spot are put into brackets.

<species> can appear inside every order (< porifera>, < coelenterata>, < cnidaria>, < ctenophora>, < plathelminthes>, < bryozoa>, < phoronidea>, < ascidiacea>, < echinodermata>, < mollusca>, < crustacea>, < chondrichthyes>, < osteichthyes>, < mammalia>, < amphibia>, < reptilia>, < invertebratavarious>, and < vertebratavarious>) of animals (< fauna>), or under < flora> listed plant orders (< rhodophyceae>, < phaeophyceae>, < chlorophyceae>, < spermatophyta>, and < floravarious>). Any number of <species> elements may appear one after the other. They need not to refer only to different species, but can describe different watchings of one species, too.

Elements inside <species> are: < trivialname>, < scientificname>, < abundance>, < age>, < quantity>, < sex>, < size> < lifestage>, and < notes>. While at least one of < trivialname> or < scientificname> is compulsory (otherwise using <species> makes no sense :-) ), all other elements are optional. All elements inside <species> may appear only once.

Example: (see also < fauna> e.g.)

    <osteichthyes>  <!-- every other order listed at <fauna> is also possible :-) -->
        <!-- A unique identifier is necessary, it should be set by the software         -->
        <!-- (although a manual setting is possible, too). This is due to the fact that -->
        <!-- any number of <species> elements with the same trivial or scientific -->
        <!-- name - see example below - are allowed to appear which have to be          -->
        <!-- distinguished from each other.                                             -->
        <species id="meerjunker1">
            <trivialname>Meerjunker</trivialname>           <!-- trivial name -->
            <scientificname>Coris julis</scientificname>    <!-- scientific name -->
            <abundance>1</abundance>                        <!-- here: single fish -->
            <quantity>1</quantity>                          <!-- 1 fish was watched -->
            <sex>1</sex>                                    <!-- here: male -->
            <lifestage>adult</lifestage>                    <!-- here: adult fish -->
            <size>0.13</size>                               <!-- length of fish 13 cm -->
                    <objectname>coris_julis_001.jpg</objectname>  <!-- 1 photo taken from the male -->
        <species id="meerjunker2">
            <trivialname>Meerjunker</trivialname>           <!-- trivial name -->
            <scientificname>Coris julis</scientificname>    <!-- scientific name -->
            <abundance>2</abundance>                        <!-- here: group of Coris julis -->
            <quantity>8</quantity>                          <!-- 8 fishes in the group watched -->
            <sex>2</sex>                                    <!-- here: female -->
                                                                    <!-- no size information about the fishes -->
                <!-- 4 pictures taken from the females -->

8.251 <spermatophyta>

Inside <spermatophyta> all seen, or gathered and later determined, flowering plants are listed.

The <spermatophyta> element stands inside < flora>.

The only element inside <spermatophyta> is < species>.

Example: see < flora>

8.252 <lifestage>

Indicates the life stage of an animal (or plant). Keywords to be used are larva (larval stage), juvenile (young animal), or adult (adult animal) respectively.

<lifestage> stands inside <species>.

There are no further elements inside <lifestage>.

See also < species>.

Example: (see also < species>)

    <!-- larval stage  -->

8.253 <startdate>

Inside <startdate> the date of the beginning of a dive trip is given.

<startdate> stands inside the < divetrip> section.

See also < enddate>.

Elements inside <startdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day>, and < dayofweek> (in this order),

Example: see < divetrip>

8.254 <street>

Inside <street> the name of a street in an address is given.

<street> stands inside < address>.

There are no further elements inside <street>.

Example: see < address>

8.255 <students>

Inside <students> follows information concerning dive students.

<students> stands inside < observations>.

Elements inside <students> are: < text>.


8.256 <suit>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this dive suit

Inside <suit> information concerning a dive suit used is put into brackets.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <suit> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <suit> are: < name>, < manufacturer>. < model>, < serialnumber>. < purchase>, < serviceinterval>. < nextservicedate> und < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <suit id="my_wetsuit">
            <name>I am freezing</name>
            <manufacturer>Freeze Company</manufacturer>
            <model>5 Degrees</model>
            <!-- no serial number -->
                <price currency="DM">300.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Now</shop>
            <!-- no service interval -->

8.257 <sunk>

Inside <sunk> date, and time of the ship's sinking are put into brackets.

The <sunk> element stands inside < wreck>.

Elements inside <sunk> are: < date>, and < time>.

Example: (see also < wreck>)


8.258 <surfaceinterval>

The <surfaceinterval> statement puts into brackets subsequent elements concerning the description of what happened during the surface interval (for example travelling to the new dive spot over a mountain, and/or through a valley with altitude and time information).

The <surfaceinterval> statement stands inside the < dive> section before place, date, and time specifications.

Elements inside <surfaceinterval> are: < passedtime>, and < wayaltitude>.


        <!-- at first data concerning the dive's prehistory -->
            <!-- in this case only the surface interval of 4h53min
                    is given in seconds -->
        <!-- now the further description of the dive is following -->
        <!-- here more data describing the dive (profile) -->

A more precise description could be:

        <!-- 1. dive -->
        <!-- at first data concerning the dive's prehistory -->
        <!-- now description of the dive -->
        <!-- here more data describing the dive (profile) -->
        <!-- 2. dive at same spot, 1,5h later -->
        <!-- now description of the dive -->
        <!-- here more data describing the dive (profile) -->
        <!-- 3. dive -->
            <!-- until 1h after end of dive prolonged staying at place -->
            <!-- now going by car to the next lake -->
            <!-- after 10 min of driving the valley is reached -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="4200.0">500.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- 5 min driving in the valley -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="4500.0">500.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- 30 min later a pass is reached -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="6300.0">1250.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- 5 min enjoying the viewpoint ... -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="6600.0">1250.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- 40 min driving down to the valley -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="9000.0">380.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- after 20min teh next dive spot at 430.0 m is reached -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="10200.0">430.0</wayaltitude>
            <!-- 30 min preparations until beginning the next dive -->
            <wayaltitude waytime="12000.0">430.0</wayaltitude>
        <!-- now description of the dive -->
        <!-- here more data describing the dive (profile) -->

8.259 <table>

Inside the <table> section parameters for the generation of a certain decompression table are put into brackets.

<table> is the only element inside < calculateprofile>, < calculatetable>, and < calculatebottomtimetable>. It can be repeated any times.

Elements inside <table> are: < diveref>, < mixref>, < surfaceinterval>, < density>, < output>, < program>, < maximumascendingrate>, < mixchangeascent>, < inputprofiledescent>, < tablescope>, < deepstoptime>, and < decomodel>. Depending on the section it is appearing in (< calculatebottomtimetable>, < calculateprofile>, or < calculatetable> respectively) not all of these elements are allowed.


            <!-- here more statements for the generation of decompression tables can appear -->
            <table id="decotable_air_0m">
                <!-- cross reference to a previous dive ("dive345"); on basis of the tissue -->
                <!-- saturation due to this previous dive now the table is to be generated -->
                <diveref ref="dive345">
                <!-- cross reference to the breathing gas to be used -->
                <mixref ref="air">
                    <!-- 4 h pause between dives -->
                <!-- salt water -->
                <!-- in the following statements for output into a file -->
                    <!-- output language is English -->
                    <!-- PDF format (-> file extension ".pdf") -->
                    <!-- name of output file (extension ".pdf" must not be given!) -->
                    <!-- headline for table -->
                    <headline>Table for Sealevel - Air</headline>
                    <!-- some illustrative text or other remarks -->
                        This is a special table for our proposed descent to the Donator wreck.
                    <!-- here software specific data -->
                <!-- take into account deep stops of 1 minute length -->
                <!-- maximum ascending rate 10 m/min -->
                    <!-- height above sea level for which the table is to be calculated -->
                    <!-- beginning with a depth of 3 m, maximum depth 60 m, increment 3 m  -->
                    <!-- maximum bottom time 100 minutes, to be taken into account for the table -->
                    <!-- minimum bottom time 15 minutes, to be taken into account for the table -->
                    <!-- at beginning (at minimum dive depth) increment of 25 minutes -->
                    <!-- at the end (at maximum dive depth) increment of 1 minute -->
                    <!-- Schrittweite auf der maximalen Tauchtiefe 1 Minute -->
            <!-- here more statements for the generation of decompression tables can appear -->
        <!-- here could stand more statements for the generation of one or more -->
        <!-- "maximum bottom time" tables -->

8.260 <tablegeneration>

Inside the <tablegeneration> section parameters for the generation of ascent profiles (< calculateprofile>), decompression tables (< calculatetable>), and "maximum bottom time" tables (< calculatebottomtimetable>) are put into brackets.

The <tablegeneration> section is the last one after < profiledata> at the end of the UDDF file.

Elements inside <tablegeneration> are: < calculatebottomtimetable>, < calculateprofile>, and < calculatetable>.


<uddf version="2.1.0">
        <!-- calculation of ascent profiles -->
            <profile id="profile-1">
            <profile id="profile-2">
            <!-- here more <profile>s can be given -->
        <!-- calculation of decompression tables -->
            <table id="0-700m">
                <!-- calculate a certain table -->
            <table id="701-1500m">
                <!-- calculate a certain table -->
            <!-- here more <table>s can be given  -->
        <!-- calculation of "maximum bottom time" tables -->
        <!-- First, at least one deco table must have been calculated, -->
        <!-- on whose basis a "MBT" table can be generated.            -->
        <!-- Therefore the first element inside <table id="...">    -->
        <!-- must be a reference via <tableref ref="..."> to the       -->
        <!-- parent table.                                             -->
            <!-- calculate a certain table -->
            <table id="mgt0-700m">
                <tableref ref="0-700m">
            <!-- here more <table>s can be given  -->

8.261 <tablescope>

Inside the <tablescope> element the scope parameters for the generation of decompression tables (see also < calculatetable>) are put into brackets.

<tablescope> stands inside < table>.

Elements inside <tablescope> are: < altitude>, < divedepthbegin>, < divedepthend>, < divedepthstep>, < bottomtimemaximum>, < bottomtimestepbegin> und < bottomtimestepend>.



8.262 <tank>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this tank used

Inside <tank> follows information about a tank used.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <tank> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <tank> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>, and < tankdata>)

        <tank id="my_tank">
            <name>Albert's tank</name>
            <model>15 litres</model>
                <price currency="DM">200.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Deep Down</shop>
            <!-- every two years to be serviced -->

8.263 <tankdata>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this tank used

Inside the <tankdata> section information concerning a breathing gas consumption calculation is put into brackets. As many as needed <tankdata> elements can appear one after the other, but all have to stand after the < mix> elements.

Elements inside <tankdata> are: < mixref>, < tankref>, < tankvolume>, < pstart>, < pend>, and < breathingconsumptionvolume>.

<tankdata> elements follow after the < mix> elements inside the < gasdefinitions> section.

Example 1:

    <!-- previous statements -->
    <mix id="air">
        <mixref ref="air">
        <!-- because the breathing consumption volume is given - in [m^3/s] units! - -->
        <!-- the end pressure information can be omitted -->
        <!-- 20 litres / minute ^= 0.00033333... m^3/s -->
    <!-- here more statements -->

Example 2:

    <!-- previous statements -->
        <mix id="gas1">
            <!-- the name of a breathing gas used is also allowed to be only a number -->
        <mixref ref="gas1">
            <!-- because start and end pressure are given, the breathing -->
            <!-- consumption volume can be calculated without need for -->
            <!-- the tank volume -->
    <!-- here more statements -->

8.264 <tankmaterial>

Indicates the material a tank is made of. Possible values are either aluminium, or carbon, or steel respectively.

<tankmaterial> stands inside the < tank> section.

There are no further elements inside <tankmaterial>.

Example: see < tank>

    <!-- tank is made of steel -->

8.265 <tankvolume>

Volume of the tank used in cubicmetres [m^3] - not in litres, as UDDF uses SI units!

Stands inside the < tankdata> section.

Examples: (see also < tankdata>)

    <!-- tank volume 10 Litres -->

    <!-- tank volume 12 Litres -->

8.266 <tankvolumebegin>

Indicates the tank volume in cubicmetres [m^3], given as a real number, the output for a "maximum bottom time table" will begin with (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>).

<tankvolumebegin> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- start with a tank volume of 10 Litres -->

8.267 <tankvolumeend>

Indicates the tank volume in cubicmetres [m^3], given as a real number, the output for a "maximum bottom time table" will end with (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>).

<tankvolumeend> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- maximum tank volume of 20 Litres-->

8.268 <tankvolumestep>

Indicates the step width for the increment of the tank volume in cubicmetres [m^3], given as a real number, for the output of a "maximum bottom time table" (see also < calculatebottomtimetable>).

<tankvolumestep> stands inside < bottomtimetablescope>.

Example: (see also < bottomtimetablescope>)

    <!-- step width for tank volume increment 5 Litres -->

8.269 <tausim>

Inside <tausim> specific information concerning the dive simulation program "Tausim" is put into brackets. At time (Tausim v0.99) the following elements are used:

<tausim> stands inside the < applicationdata> section as the only statement.


    <!-- previous statements -->
        <!-- profile data  -->

8.270 <terrain>

Inside <terrain> information is given about the nature of the ground at the dive spot.

The <terrain> element stands inside < sitedata>.

There are no further elements inside <terrain>.

Example: see < geography>

8.271 <text>

Inside <text> general information is given which is to be interpreted as "normal" text.

The <text> element can appear inside several sections and should be the last element given.

There are no further elements inside <text>.


        Inside the <text> element "normal" text - as you can read here - is put into brackets ;-)

8.272 <time>

<time> indicates the time in hours (< hour>), and minutes < minute>). For the sake of clarity this order should be kept.

Elements inside <time> are < hour>, and < minute> (for sake of clarity this order should be kept).

<time> can appear inside several sections. If it is given it should stand after < date>.

Example: (see also < generator>, or < sunk> e.g.)

    <!-- here previous instructions -->
            <!-- here information about the date -->
            <!-- here further instructions -->
        <!-- here instructions of more dives can appear -->

8.273 <timezone>

Inside <timezone> the difference to GMT in hours (given as a real number) is put into brackets.

The <timezone> element stands inside < geography>.

There are no further elements inside <timezone>.

Example: see < geography>

8.274 <title>

Inside <title> all titles of a person are given.

The <title> element stands inside < personal>.

There are no further elements inside <title>.

Example: see < personal>

8.275 <tonnage>

Inside <tonnage> the tonnage of a ship is given as a real number in kilograms.

The <tonnage> element stands inside < dimension>.

There are no further elements inside <tonnage>.

Example: (see also < dimension>)

    <!--57 tons ^= 57000 kg -->

8.276 <trip>

Inside <trip> all data concerning a certain dive trip is put into brackets.

The <trip> element stands inside < divetrip> section and can be repeated any times.

Elements inside <trip> are: < name>, < startdate>, < enddate>, < geography>, < vessel>, < accommodation>, < operator>, < divebase>, < boattrip/>, < hoteltrip/>, < individualtrip/>, < organizedtrip/>, and < notes>.


        <:name>Dive Club Trip Red Sea 2003</name>
            <:name>Hotel 1000 and 1 Night</name>
            <:name>Deep Down</name>
            <priceperdive currency="USD">40.00</priceperdive>
            <pricedivepackage currency="USD" noofdives="10">350.00</pricedivepackage>
                <!-- dive guide already described in the <buddy> section, therefore here only a reference is given -->
                <buddyref ref="buddy_George">
                <!-- 2. dive guide already described as <buddy>... -->
                <buddyref ref="buddy_Hansi_the_airsucker">
            <diveref ref="tg_403"><diveref ref="tg_404"><diveref ref="tg_405"><diveref ref="tg_406">
            <diveref ref="tg_407"><diveref ref="tg_408"><diveref ref="tg_409"><diveref ref="tg_410">
            <diveref ref="tg_411"><diveref ref="tg_412"><diveref ref="tg_413"><diveref ref="tg_414">
            <diveref ref="tg_415"><diveref ref="tg_416"><diveref ref="tg_417">
            <text>Nice diving vacation - if only less divers were there...</text>

        <:name>Dive & Sail 2004</name>
            <:province>Cote d'Azur</province>
            <:shiptype>sailing yacht</shiptype>
            <:marina>Bormes les Mimosas</marina>
            <diveref ref="tg_530"><diveref ref="tg_531"><diveref ref="tg_532"><diveref ref="tg_533">
            <diveref ref="tg_534"><diveref ref="tg_535"><diveref ref="tg_536"><diveref ref="tg_537">
            <diveref ref="tg_538"><diveref ref="tg_539"><diveref ref="tg_540"><diveref ref="tg_541">
            <text>Out motto: We dive that what other ones are dreaming of!!! :-)</text>

8.277 <trivialname>

Inside <trivialname> the trivial name of an animal, or plant respectively, is given.

The <trivialname> element stands inside < species>.

There are no further elements inside <trivialname>.

Example: see < species>

8.278 <uddf>

Attribute: version=the UDDF version, a program uses to generate the UDDF file

Each UDDF file begins with the statement <uddf version="x.y.z"> (with x, y, and z integers), and ends with the </uddf> as last statement. Inbetween these two statements all other sections are given.

The current version is 2.1.0.

Sections (elements) are: < generator>, < diver>, < divesite>, < divetrip>, < gasdefinitions>, < profiledata>, < tablegeneration>, and < divecomputercontrol>.


    <uddf version="2.1.0">
            <!-- "fingerprint" of the program generating the UDDF file -->
            <!-- description of the owner of this UDDF file and his five buddies -->
            <!-- description of all dive spots -->
            <!-- description of all dive trips -->
            <!-- description of the breathing gases used by the owner of the UDDF file -->
            <!-- description of the individual dive profiles -->
            <!-- parameters for the generation of different table types -->

8.279 <validdate>

Inside <validdate> the date is given until a brevet is valid (if existent).

The <validdate> element stands inside < certification>.

Elements inside <validdate> are: < year>, < month>, < day> und < dayofweek> (in this order).

Example: (see also < certification>)

        <year>2007</year><month>2</month><day>28</day><dayofweek>3</dayofweek> <!-- Wednesday -->

8.280 <variouspieces>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this part of equipment

Inside <variouspieces> information is given for a part of equipment if there is no special section existent (so far) in UDDF.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <variouspieces> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <variouspieces> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <variouspieces id="my_hood">
            <model>Warm Head</model>
            <!-- no serialnumber -->
                <price currency="DM">30.00</price>
                <shop>Dive Terminal</shop>
            <!-- no service interval -->

8.281 <version>

Inside <version> the version number of a product used (dive computer, BCD, software e.g.) is put into brackets.

Stands inside different sections where parts of equipment are described.

Example: see < equipment>, < generator> e.g.

8.282 <vertebrata>

Inside <vertebrata> all watched vertebrates are listed. <vertebrata> is subdivided.

The <vertebrata> element stands inside < fauna>.

There exists a < vertebratavarious> element - if the assignment of a vertebrate to a section is unknown it has to be specified here.

Elements inside <vertebrata> are: < chondrichthyes> (cartilaginous fishes - sharks, rays), < osteichthyes> (bony fishes), < mammalia> (mammals), < amphibia> (amphibians), < reptilia> (reptils), and < vertebratavarious> (others, not listed above).

See also < invertebrata>.

Example: (see also < fauna>)

            <!-- watched cartilaginous fishes -->
            <!-- watched bony fishes -->
            <!-- watched mammals -->
            <!-- watched amphibians -->
            <!-- watched reptils -->
            <!-- all other animals watched which don't fit in the above sections (by means of the observer) -->

8.283 <vertebratavarious>

Inside <vertebratavarious> all vertebrates are listed which cannot be assigned one of the known sections in UDDF (< chondrichthyes>, < osteichthyes>, < mammalia>, < amphibia>, and < amphibia>).

The <vertebratavarious> element stands inside < vertebrata>.

The only element inside <vertebratavarious> is: < species>.

See also < vertebrata>, and < invertebrata>.

Example: see < vertebrata>

8.284 <vessel>

Inside <vessel> information is given about the ship with which a dive trip was made.

<vessel> stands inside < divetrip> section.

Elements inside <vessel> are: < name>, < shiptype>, < marina>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < divetrip>)

        <shiptype>sailing yacht</shiptype>
        <marina>Marine de Cogolin</marina>
            <text>beautiful 15m sailing yacht</text>

8.285 <videocamera>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this video camera

Inside <videocamera> information concerning a video camera used is given.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <videocamera> elements can appear one after the other.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <videocamera id="my_video_equipment">
            <body id="my_super_vidcam">
                <name>DCR VX1000</name>
                    <price currency="DM">7000.00</price>
                <!-- no service interval -->
            <housing id="body_for_my_super_vidcam">
                    <price currency="DM">7000.00</price>
                    <shop>Dive Service Hecht</shop>
                <!-- no service interval -->

8.286 <video>

Inside <video> a video sequence is put into brackets.

Stands inside the < notes> section. The statement can be repeated any times.

See also < objectname>, < audio>, and < image>.

Example: (see also < notes>)


8.287 <visibility>

With <visibility> the visibility under water, given as a real number, is put into brackets.

<visibility> stands inside the < dive> section.

There are no further elements inside <visibility>.

Example: (see also < dive>)

    <!-- visibility 5 m -->

8.288 <watch>

Attribute: id=unique identifier for this dive watch

Inside <watch> information concerning a dive watch used is put into brackets.

Stands inside the < equipment> section. Several <watch> elements can appear one after the other.

Elements inside <watch> are: < name>, < manufacturer>, < model>, < serialnumber>, < purchase>, < serviceinterval>, < nextservicedate>, and < notes>.

Example: (see also < equipment>)

        <watch id="my_divewatch">
            <name>Digital Dive Watch</name>
            <manufacturer>Time Consumer Ltd.</manufacturer>
            <model>Super Exact</model>
                <price currency="EUR">20.00</price>
                <shop>Watch Store</shop>
            <!-- no service interval -->

8.289 <wayaltitude>

Attribute: waytime=absolute time in seconds since beginning of surfaceinterval

Inside <wayaltitude> an absolute altitude in metres above sealevel is put into brackets (given as a real number).

Each individual <wayaltitude> element must contain a waytime attribute which indicates the absolute time in seconds (given as a real number), when the altitude was reached.

<wayaltitude> stands inside the < surfaceinterval> section.

There are no further elements inside <wayaltitude>.

Example: (see also < surfaceinterval>)

    <!-- an altitude of 500 metres above sea level is reached after 30 minutes -->
    <wayaltitude waytime="1800.0">500.0</wayaltitude>
    <!-- 15 minutes later an altitude of 700 metres is reached -->
    <wayaltitude waytime="2700.0">700.0</wayaltitude>

8.290 <wreck>

Inside <wreck> a wreck is described.

The <wreck> element stands inside < sitedata>.

Elements inside <wreck> are: < name>, < shiptype>, < nationality>, < built>, < dimension>, and < sunk>.


            <shipyard>Blohm & Voss</shipyard>

8.291 <year>

Indicates the year, when a dive was performed, or the profile/table etc. was generated by a software. <year> is given as an integer with four digits.

Stands inside < date>. The order <year>, < month>, < day>, < dayofweek> should be kept for thze sake of clarity.

Example: see < date>

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